Chapter 15- Lovino

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Chapter 15- Lovino's POV

It was the posters that bugged me. It seemed like they were mocking me. Antonio 'Boomerang' Carriedo had got himself a mini gig at the town hall. Good for him, but unfortunately I would not be attending.
All the brightly coloured posters were up around town because the first mildly exciting thing that had happened here in like a fucking decade was happening! Wow! Some Spanish singer-songwriter was going to be singing at a little gig thing they were doing. I assumed they would have some other singers too.

I decided not to go. I had to distance myself from Antonio to protect myself. I was a weak and very emotional person.
I was most certainly not going to go.
One of the posters caught my eye. It had a list of the songs he would be performing. At the bottom of the list: 'Lovino's Waltz'.
My jaw hung open. I remembered him telling me he'd write me a waltz but I never expected him to actually do it! I changed my mind. I was most certainly going to go.


The gig was supposed to have started at 7pm. It was now 7:30pm (I got caught up at work- grandpa wouldn't let me go early). I hoped that I hadn't missed Antonio's songs.

I could hear the music from all the way down the road but it stopped just as I reached the entrance to the town hall.

The whole room was silent when I got in, full to the brim of intrigued Italians watching a man on stage. A man with a guitar. Antonio.
He looked gloomy and bored and unusually underenthusiastic about being on the stage. He scanned the audience a couple of times and then sighed. He must've been expecting someone who hadn't shown up. Then it dawned on me: it was me. He was waiting for me and I'd missed it.

"And I think that's all I've got time for." He checked through some papers. "I think I'll skip that last song." He muttered with a sigh. "Thank you all, you've been a great crowd..."
He tailed off at the end of his sentence when he saw me. His face lit up.
"Y'know what, I think I will do that last song." He smiled broadly. "Just for you." He said the last part as if it was adressed to the audience, but he looked at me as he said it.

"I wrote this song for someone who means a lot to me. I don't know where I'd be without hi- her."
I gave him a knowing smile.

And then the music started and I felt warm inside. I felt the tune relax and soothe me. And then Antonio sang and it felt like my soul was on fire.

'Clearing skies and drying eyes,
Now I see your smile
Darkness goes and softness shows
A changing style'

Oh God, I loved it already.

'Reality is not for me,
And it makes me laugh.
Oh, fantasy worlds and Disney girls,
I'm coming back.'

The song got more brilliant by the second and all the bespoke lyrics seemed to fit out relationship perfectly. He really had outdone himself.

'Patti Page and summer days
On Old Cape Cod,
Happy times making wine
In my garage
Country shade and lemonade
Guess I'm slowing down,
It's a turned back world
With a local girl
In a smaller town.'

This song brought back so many beautiful memories and so many happy feelings. It was only at this point that I realised how much I really needed Antonio in my life. Keeping him away was just going to make our lives harder. It was time to let him back into my heart.

'Open cars and clearer stars
That's what I've lacked
Oh, fantasy worlds and Disney girls
I'm coming back.'

I read the look in his eyes, asking, begging for forgiveness. He wanted back into this and to be honest so did I. So I gave him a little nod and made a heart shape with my hands. His smile grew, closely followed by a happy crescendo in the music.

'Love! Hi Cindy, hello Dad,
Good morning Mom.
Love...get up guess what
I'm in love with a girl I found
She's really swell
Cause she likes
Church, bingo chances, old time dances.

All my life I spent the nights
With dreams of you
And the warmth I missed
And for the things I wished
They're all coming true.'

He made direct eye contact with me.

'I've got my love to give
And a place to live
Guess I'm gonna stay
It'd be a peaceful life
With a forever wife
And a kid someday...'

I rolled my eyes. Antonio smiled and shrugged.

'Well, it's early nights
And pillow fights
And your soft laugh
Fantasy worlds and Disney girls,
I'm coming back.'

The beautiful waltz music faded out and everybody clapped. I cheered and whistled way too enthusiastically. People started to stare so I thought: fuck it.

I ran up onto the stage and kissed Antonio. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care that people were staring, I didn't care about being judged. I just cared about Antonio, and when he kissed me back in front of all these people, everything was back as it was before.

We loved each other and in that moment, nothing else in the world existed. There was only me and Antonio.

Remember, none of the songs in this fanfiction are mine. I take no credit for them.
The song used in this chapter is 'Disney Girls' by Alexander Rybak.


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