Dipper pov

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*right after he got away from being brain zapped*

I had ran into the wood seeking shelter. And I saw MultiBear. He had seen me and walked .
      "Dipper long time no see. You've changed quite a bit." He must not have seen my affairs with Bill.
     "Yes it has been hasn't it? How are you doing by the way?" I asked hope swelled in my chest, maybe I could live in the forest. Make friends with the supernatural beings.
     After my catch up with MultiBear, I floated to my hearts content as the wing blew threw my tiny wings. I had changed during Weirdmageddon, a prince can't be seen in only jeans.
      I had changed to a white dress shirt and black booty shorts. With a small floating top hat, knee length socks, and a blue Pinetree eyepatch. I felt something hit my knee, "Heh ow." I looked down to see a statue of Bill. In his triangular form, but Bill non the less.
     Before I knew I was kneeled by the statue, crying. I could almost hear his demonic laugh, his deep but navel voice that reminded me of hot chocolate. I've become obsessed haven't I?
      Huh, about three weeks ago I was in a looney bin, two weeks ago I meet my twin for the first time in five years, I haven't grown much taller after being hardcore forced on happy pills.
   One week ago I got along with my twin, we baked, she still adds glitter to her food. Four days ago I ruled this small town with my lover. And yesterday I was beaten by the betraying sister. Today I shall start my army, my revenge. That brat got everything, love, family,  friends, a chance at happiness. She was the social butterfly, who could make friends with an old grump and make the meanest of people nice. But she was SELFISH. Ruining my chance at happiness because she had to suffer lightly. I mean I could have let her live in luxury in her own home, many friends, her family. I could have spared her, but no~ Im Mabel and everyone needs to be happy, unless it makes me unhappy then suffer~.
            I watched as pixies danced around, and I even made friends with the queen. She knew I was royalty and we just clicked. Then I talked to the fairies, then the shapeshifter, we became good buds. I also found that tree spirits aren't mean, they just want someone to talk to. I told them I would visit as often as possible, they seemed delighted at it. And I found a secret underground base by the middle of the forest.
      It was conveniently by almost every kind of creature and it was right next to the triangle statue. I sat by the statue.
   "Hey bill, I really miss you and it's only been a day. I know I'm weak. But I'll find a way to get you out I promise."
Soon the mythical beings loved me, and I loved them. They were my family, and the gnomes did not recognize me, nor did half the forest, most of them did not know me. I don't see why I ever thought about them as evil.
      All of us are the same. Loveless, and semi decent.
                             .                            Small flash backs of talking to bills statue
"Hey bill, I put up pictures of our fearamid up in the bunker. I thought you'd like it"

"Hello bill, I came to ask what kind of couch you'd like. Leather or fabric?"

"Heh hey bill, where ever you are I hope you still remember me. Because I sure can't forever you, look I'm talking to a statue"

   ~time skip brought by dippers undying hatred of the pines family~

    I had heard from the gnomes that MABELS BACK, I almost jumped. I went over to the bill statue to talk about plans for the future, because I know he can hear me, I just know. I'm now 16 and still look like a thirteen year old.
    "Bill, I'm thinking about decorating our bunker. What color? Oh I think we should have a bigger map, but only if you'd like." I start silently crying. The creatures of the forest have now taken my sudden crying fits as accounts of depression.          
        Some try to help, and I always feel better, I've even convinced them that bill is a good person.
     Then I remember Mabel's  back, I start grinning darkly. I snap and change into my 'normal clothes'. Why did I ever like these. I start walking, chatting with the gremloblin as I walk. I watched Mabel as she came into her room, she slung her bag onto her bed.
         I could hear her heartbeat as I flashed out of sight, laughing slightly at her well reasoned paranoia. I can't believe I made her so terrified! I chuckle and walk to the door, knocking innocently. They opened it, probably expecting a crazy, and there was little old me. Ew wait I sound like Gideon. They look up, and hug me. Watching the stairs I saw Mabel, her face contorting into a pure mask of horror. I almost laughed. I giggled cutely, and ran to her.
       "Mabel!" I hugged her tight, a breath killing bear hug. She was paralyzed with fear. Her eyes filled with tears.
      "I missed you!" I mused, gain her trust, then back stab her ruthlessly. She tensely hugged back.

"Mabel! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!" I pulled away fake tears in my eyes.
        "I'm sorry, I'm just the worthless gay boy who caused the apocalypse, and got kidnapped because I'm so weak... I'm sorry for being worthless, I'm sorry for being born... I'll just leave now..." I slowly walked away, mom pulled me into her arms. And started whispering soothingly into my ear, it was actually nice. I don't think I'll kill my mom and dad.
     "Wait your gay?" Dad finally asks. I nod sadly, fake.  "Oh ok just wanted to know. Same rules as Mabel no boys aloud in your room." I laughed. Mabel stood shocked. I beat you Mabel prepare for you mental downfall, and physical pain.

I will kill you... Shooting star.

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