Dipper pov

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          My parents said I could move anywhere in the house, I decided the basement because I'll be able to bring Bill back.
Mom made a nice home cooked meal, as dad puts it, I didn't eat because my palate has changed over the years. Mabel grew a couple feet taller, looking to be about six foot. She had gotten her braces off, and her hair now had rainbow streaks in it, shooting star. Dad looked at me.
     "Dipper you haven't eaten, and look! You haven't grown an inch."
     I let out an awkward laugh, "Heh well I guess I'm just not hungry." Not what's for dinner, I'd much rather have nightmares. (Dipper and bill eat dreams and nightmares)
     "And I think I just stopped growing."
    "You haven't aged a day in the three years we were here." I shrugged.
    "I'm exhausted, I think I'll hit the hay for tonight. Love you guys." I walked to the basement. The code came to me as clear as day. I walked in and it... Was a mess. The walls have started to rot, and there were rats crawling about. Bugs covered 1/4 of the things in the room. Ew.
     "Ugh, repair time," the portal was broken, but not for long. "This will be easy. Find bill, kill shooting st- Mabel, then rule the world side by side with my king. Simple." I walked cleaning things as I walked, bugs and rats died and disappeared, the walls slowly mended them selves, and I found there was a small apartment in there. I cleaned it all. Blue bedsheets, hard wood floors, grey wall paper and golden couches. The kitchen was updated, and I stored my kind of food in there. And I hid a small pack of sugar wine. The dark ebony doors entwined in golden features. Yeah I'd like it down here. I changed into my nicer clothes, and sat not the bed. I searched the room and found an ancient tv. Snap it was a flatscreen. I put in Harry Potter while grabbing demon friendly popcorn, and munching away.

     I awoke to the sound of the vending machine opening three rooms over. I snapped back into pjs, and walked there. It was Mabel.
    "Hey Mabel." I waved. She didn't notice, or she didn't care to acknowledge. "Hey Mabes come back when you are willing to actually talk." Ugh that nickname. I felt something hit me, and the familiar whir of the  Memory gun.
Then I remembered nothing

Sorry for the short chapter, I've been writers blocked and my brain just can't

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