Scary : Disaster Electric Fan

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It's really hot in the summer that you can't help but turn on the electric fan, right? But you know, I'm scared of electic fans. Why? 

Do you dare to know? Then keep reading.

In the middle of the summer season, it was almost 120 degrees outside. No one wanted to play with Sarah because their parents didn't want them to dehydrate and get sunburnt. 

So, Sarah decided to stay home and sit in front of the air conditioner in the living room. Her parents told her to not use it too much because of electricity bills. 

She gladly nodded and turned it off before the clock hit 7 pm. 

Trying to fall asleep, she couldn't because of the heat. So, she asked her parents to get the electric fan from the basement to put beside her bed.

The parents didn't complain as they fanned themselves with paper fans.

That night, Sarah was dead to the world as the wind hit her skin. 


In the morning, they found Sarah in bloody pieces on her bed. Half of the electric fan's cover and the blades were gone. They were halfway through Sarah's bed and her body. The speed of the electric fan was on high. 

Who could blame her for just trying to keep cool in a hot summer?

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