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    "Amen, wake up!" My grandmother shouted. I groaned turning over, trying to go back to sleep. "You're going to be late for school!" I sighed and got up reluctantly, looking at my clock. 7:10, I had school in less than an hour.

    "Sorry, grandma, not use to the time zone yet," I said.

    "It's ok but get dressed then come downstairs for breakfast." With that, she left. I sat up and went to get dressed. My grandparents had bought me clothes that were from this area, but we're foreign to me. I put on a pair of lose Jeans, a red shirt and a dark grey jacket. I began to sweat wearing it but it was extremely cold outside to me so I'd be thankful for the jacket later.
    I headed downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast. I turned and nearly ran into my grandfather.

"Mornin'," I said. He just nodded and made his coffee.

    "Amen...I know this is your first time at a'll make friends, even though it's October. Also, try not to get in trouble."

    "Ok, I won't. I gotta go finish getting ready." I headed down the hall to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I looked the same as always, dark skin, brown eyes, and my black and red hair that refused to lye flat on my head. I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to run a brush through my hair. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

    The cool South Carolinian air hit me like a brick. I began walking to the middle school which wasn't even a mile away. Some other kids were walking a few feet ahead. They were wearing shorts and tank tops. I stayed behind and didn't try to talk to them. Once I reached the school I headed towards the office and found the secretary. She glanced at me.

    " Are you the new kid Amen... Something?" She asked. Why does everyone keep butchering my name, it isn't that hard where I'm from. I thought.

     "It's Amenophis," I said. She raised an eyebrow at me and pointed down the hall. "Principals office is down there." I headed down the hall and knocked on the door. "Come in a voice said." I walked in.

    The principal was a few inches taller than me with pale skin, he had short brown hair and brown eyes and was probably in his late forties. He wore a brown suit and a green tye. "I'm guessing that your Amenophis, the new student?" 

    "Yes, and you're the first person to pronounce my name correctly." 

"I looked it up, you're named after a few Egyptian Pharaohs, right?" He sat down and I sat in another chair before speaking. 

    "Yes, my parents were Egyptologists and named me after the Greek form of Amenhotep, but most people just call me Amen."

   "Alright then, I understand that you were homeschooled for most of your life and have just moved here from Egypt. Basically, all you do is follow your schedule and switch classes when the bell rings, or go to lunch or recess or back to homeroom. I can get a student to show you around if you'd like." Right when I was about to answer the door opened and I turned.
A lady with brown and purple hair tied back in a ponytail with hazel eyes entered the room. "Sorry I'm late, the secretary didn't alert me until just now." She looked to be in her early thirty's. 

    "Ah, I was wondering where you were Ms.Downing, anyways, this is Amenophis." She approached me and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you Amenophis." I shook her hand and felt a shock. I jumped and nearly fell out of my chair, she also seemed to feel the shock. "Sorry, static electricity. Anyways, I'm here because I talk with all of the new students to see if they're qualified to be in the Gifted and Talented class here." I nodded and she continued. " We normally look at grades from students past schools but since you were homeschooled well see how you'rere doing in your classes after a few weeks and decide to switch you to the class or not. For now, though, I picked up your schedule from the secretary." She handed me the schedule and I glanced at it.

" I know a student who could show you around if you wanted them to." She offered. I hated feeling like I had to rely on others, I had this.
"No thanks, I got it." I heard the bell ring. "Well, I better be on my way. Cya." With that, I walked out of the office and began wandering the halls to find my homeroom.

Authors note:
First chapter of my first real book. Also here's how to pronounce Amenophis's name. Also since y'all know this book is about gods and he has 2, comment down below which 2 gods you think he has. Till next time, cya.

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