The bird and The Snake

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    "WHAT THE HELL!" Ra yelled to Apophis. "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!" Apophis rolled his eyes and glanced at Ra. His slitted eyes truly looked like that of a snakes. "He needs to learn about us eventually." Apep mumbled. Which was sorta true. "You scared him! He will learn about us on his own. If you keep trying to hurt him hell never acknowledge our presence. He may go mental." Ra fired back gripping the bars of his 'cage'. His spikey red hair stood out from his dark skin and as he fired more insults at Apophis it seamed to change to be more like fire. His pupils matched Apophis's but his iris's were red. 

Their home for the past thirteen years had been this chamber with 'cages'. The floor was a dark grey but it constantly changed. Their symbols were on the locks to their 'cells'. Ra's was across from Apep's, a good thing considering they were mortal enemies. If given the chance and if Ra was pissed off enough the two would probably fight each other to death. Ra and Apophis continued to shout at one another for hours.

    It was nearly midnight and Amen had fallen asleep hours ago but with the two gods yelling in his head his sleep was restless. He woke up to the voices of the gods multiple times but he never could figure out what the noises were. He eventually gave up on having a peaceful night's sleep and lay awake until around one. Where he entered into one of the worst nightmares of his life.

    Apophis rolled his eyes as he listened to Ra yelling at him. He would rather be dead then listening to his sworn enemy scorn him over the child. Maybe it was because he had killed their last host, but he honestly didn't care. He ran a hand through his solid black hair, which was tied into a ponytail in the back and two smaller ones on the side of his head. He messed with the right one as he waited for Ra to chill. Over the years he had gotten used to his human form, which he was starting to prefer over his normal snake one. He eventually fell into the black abyss, that humans called sleep, a little while later.

    The Gods can not dream. They only see things of their past or their possible future. He dreamed about all of his pasts hosts who had let him 'out'. The majority had been what the humans called evil or mentally ill. Jack the ripper, The Zodiac killer, and  H.H. Holmes. All had already had mental issues but once Apophis was free he helped them with their 'fun', and further pushed their mental state. He even helped to hide their identities by clearing fingerprints with his smoke, or by disguising the killer as a witnessing civilian.  Even to this day he wouldn't tell a single soul who the people he possessed were. His dream then turned into something else. 

    Fire. All he could see was fire. He heard a scream and saw Amen. The whole room was consumed by the inferno. As the building continued to collapse. Apophis realized that  Amen would die by the fire. He smiled to himself but something unexpected happened. He could feel something pulling on his powers. Amen's hand was raised and his eyes turned black with a dark grey silted pupils. "NO!" The god of chaos screamed as he realized what was happening. The black smoke surrounded Amen and hardened protecting him from the fire. Once the blaze was out the shadowy mist disappeared to show Amen breathing heavily. His face was covered with soot, small burns and later tears. His parents were gone, dead in the inferno. His most severe burn put him in the hospital for days. Then he got taken away from everything he knew and loved.

    Amen woke up from the same dream, breathing heavily. Bead of sweat dripped down his face. That recurring dream had woke him up at least five times since coming to the U.S. His heart felt heavy in his chest. He got up to get some water. Moments later he returned and climbed back under the now cold covers. "It isn't my fault." He mumbled before closing his eyes once again

    Apophis rose and smiled. He had already made his host's life hell with the fire and he would continue to do so till the day Amen died. His hands griped the bars of the 'cage'. Nothing would protect Amenophis from Apophis's wrath.  Not Ra, not the gifted and talented brats, and definitely not the necklaces or arm bands. Apophis's smile grew. It was only a matter of time till he could get out and be free. He just had to wait a little bit longer.

Authors Note:

Sorry it took so long to update. Ill try to keep to a normal update schedule. I'm currently planning out two other original books as well. And I'm trying to decide if I should continue the Marble hornets book. Ill definitely update Thunder and Lightning soon though.

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