Its Time

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    It's never easy telling a kid that they are hosting a god. I can still recall how each of the kids reacted to the news. Maya, who was my first student, and in a way, like my adopted daughter replied with a solemn nod.  Like Amen, she had lost her parents and in her time of need, Poseidon had helped her defend herself. The shock of the casualties plus me explaining everything to her took its toll. She never questioned a thing. 

      The twins were polar opposites, the stubborn Alex denied it for two months and refused to believe me until she had tested her abilities and had talked to Quetzalcoatl, her god. I remember the first time she had called herself Atzi, the nickname Quetzalcoatl had given her. She had done such an advanced thing in a short period of time and had shocked Maya and me this the rivalry between them was born.

    I had never seen a kid react the was Ashly had. Once the news broke she just smiled and calmly asked a few questions. Calmly. Something no other student had done. Most of the time they would yell and demand answers to why them. Why not someone else. I know that's what I did when I found out. Now it was time to break the news to Amen. I had done my best to mentally prepare myself for this. Thoughts of what could go wrong flooded my head. What if Amen reacted violently, what if he unleashed his unknown powers? Could we defend ourselves against them? What if Apophis took control? "Calm down. I'm here if you need help." Zeus's voice said in a calm and collected manner.

    I smiled, "I hope I don't have to use you, my friend." I picked up the phone to call the office and the crackled voice of the secretary came over it. "Hello, what do you need?" She sounded ever so slightly annoyed. 

    "I need to speak with Mr.Thorne  Please." She hung up and after a click, his voice spoke. "Yes, Ms.Downing?" He asked. "I need to speak with you before first period, it's urgent," I explained, in case there was someone else in the room with him. He sighed and hung up. "Rude," Zeus mumbled.

     Mr.Thorne soon arrived at my room and after a quick greeting he took a seat and I began. "You remember Amen, right?" I asked him. He gave a slow nod his eyes now filled with slight interest.  

     "You didn't need to call me here just because he's in your class. It's a waste of my time." He mumbled. "I'll go ahead and add him to the council's list of hosts. Which god or goddess does he have?" He asked with boredom. After all, we had had this conversation three times in the past year.

"Well, that's the problem, he has Ra and Apophis. " I explained. The room filled with a thick silence as his eyes slowly widened and he gaped. 

    "What do you take me for? An idiot? This is a joke"

     "I really wish it know what the council will do to him, he isn't dangerous, my students have kept an eye on him." I noticed his eyes turning serious and angry. 

    I hastily tried to reassure him, knowing what was about to happen. "He is in full contr-" 


     I could feel Zeus's power running through me. I clenched my fists until my knuckles turned white. "IF THEY GET RID OF APOPHIS, AMEN WILL DIE! AN INNOCENT KID WILL DIE ON THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE HE IS DANGEROUS!" I stood up yelling.  I shouldn't have told him.  I noted him backing up in a panic. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 

    "Give me a chance to prove that he isn't a threat...please." I practically begged.

     "... I have to tell the council but if he proves to not be a threat I will try to reason with them to keep the boy alive." I felt a smile cross my face at that news. 

    "I'm surprised he doesn't know already, it's been a month since he arrived...tell him immediately, summon the rest of your class too in case something happens. I'll go make the announcement…" He said and left.

    The first bell rang and I waited for Mr.Thorne to make the announcement. Minutes felt like hours and the intercom's rapid beeping made me jump. 

    "Will Maya Sanders, Alex Rodriguez, and Ashley Rodriguez please report to the office." The secretary's voice spoke, unaware she was using the code word for my room. If they had to go to the office she would've said 'main office.' "He was probably too lazy to do it himself," Zeus uttered a few moments later. I was about to answer back but heard the door swing open.

    "This better be good," Atzi said as she and her sister walked in. Ash looked to me nervously, I could tell that she already knew something bad was going on. I gave a small smile, trying to reassure her. Maya joined us nearly five minutes later. I cleared my throat to get their attention. 

    "This morning I told Mr.Thorne about Amenophis...he didn't take the news too well but has agreed to reason with the council to not kill Amen, but we have to tell him immediately and try to help him control Apophis," I spoke seriously, and Ash nodded. 

    "Why should we help him?" Atzi spoke and Maya narrowed her eyes. "Stop being an asshole to Amen. Whether you like it or not, he's hosting  Gods and it's our job to help him." Atzi crossed her arms and remained silent. I sighed, "Atzi if you aren't going to help then leave." She didn't move so I assumed she wanted to stay. I opened my mouth to explain the plan but the intercom came on. 

    "Will Amenophis please report to room 113.”

My room number.

Authors Note:
Guess what?
The dumbass is back and with an update.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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