The woods

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    Thank Gods it was Friday. I woke up a bit happier than usual and attempted to tame my blonde hair. After getting the rest of the way ready I began walking to school. I wore jeans with a hole in one knee, a dark blue shirt and a black and grey star wars jacket. On the way I noticed Amen walking a few feet ahead of me. Ms.D wanted us to look after him and keep our distance but.....
I ran up to meet him.

   "Hey, your Amen right?" I asked trying to sound casual.  He glanced in my direction and I could see him tense up.

   "Yeah, who are you?" He asked still tense. He's acting different today. This could be good or bad. I thought.

   "I'm Maya, my friends Ash and Atzi have Social Studies with you. They said you were new so I thought, why not introduce myself. " He untensened but kept the strange look in his eye.

   "Oh, yeah, Ashley is nice but Atzi...."
He trailed off and I remembered the look she gave when Ms.D mentioned his name.

   "I'm guessing that she doesn't like you?" I asked. He just nodded as we kept walking. The bell rang after we entered the school. I punched his shoulder.

   "Cya Amem." I said and began walking away.

   My first class was English, and since it was Friday I immediately went to the library.

  " Hey Ms.B. " I said as put my books in the bin and went to look for new ones.

   "Good Morning Maya, a new manga series just came in if you're interested." She said. She had short brown hair and nearly black eyes which sparkled.

   "I'll take a look at it after I finish Attack on Titan." The rest of the class soon showed up and when Mr.Harvey arrived we began.

   Recess soon arrived so I went outside for a few minutes. I saw Ash and Atzi near the school and I ran to join them.

   "What's up guys?" I asked then soon noticed their serious faces.

   "You talked to Amen didn't you?" Atzi basically demanded.

   "Yeah, so?" I asked confused.

   "He's acting funny and he has this look in his eyes." Atzi said.

   "He was acting and looking funny before I talked to him." I yelled at Atzi. Ashley just stood there.  

   "Maybe something happened?" She said with a bit of worry in her voice.

"Lets just go to Ms.D's class." With that she began walking towards the building. I looked back to try and see if Amen was around. I looked up at the trees and saw a small bit of red and what looked like a flash of gold. He always stayed up there at recess for some reason but I didn't have time to ponder it.

   I arrived at Ms.D's class a bit late the others were already there talking with her.  "Apophis is not about to break loose!" She tried to reassure Atzi. But Atzi looked determined.

  "How do you know that?! You said you knew nothing about either god!"
Ashley sat with her head down while I watched the argument. Ms.D was more like a friend then our teacher.

   The bell soon rang and we had done nothing in class. I headed to my last few classes of the day and soon the bell rang to go home. I went back to homeroom and grabbed my bookbag.

  I walked out of the school and began walking home. After a few minutes I got the feeling that I was being followed. The feeling quickly disappeared and I looked behind me.
I heard The crunching of sticks and leaves. There were large bushes near the sidewalk which opened into woods just behind the school. I had a stupid idea. I waited a few minutes then followed whoever had gone back there.

    I tried to keep quiet and only move when I heard the other person move. I had been back here before a few times. The person must have stopped walking, I hadn't heard anything in a few minutes so I kept quiet. I noticed a clearing up ahead. I approached and hid behind a bush and tree. I could clearly see the area and the person I was following.

   Amen sat cross legged on the forest floor. His eyes were closed and he held out each of his hands and looked to be concentrating. He opened his eyes after a few minutes and yelled in frustration. All of a sudden a small flame appeared in his hand. I looked at it amazed. My legs were falling asleep so I attempted to stand and not be seen. I stepped on a stick and a loud crunch filled the forest.

   "WHO'S THERE?!" Amen yelled. The flame went out and he looked frightened. He still didn't see me. Out of nowhere a ball of fire formed near his right hand consuming it.
   "COME OUT!" He turned in a circle and the fire followed forming a sort of wall around him. This is bad, REALLY BAD! I took off my necklace and stood up.

   "Amen, calm down it's me." He turned to look at me and his right eye was red while the left was a solid black. The fire didn't die down and he reared his left hand in a punch. Black smoke engulfed his hand. I had no choice. I lifted my palm and water fired at him, knocking him over and putting out the fire and weird smoke.
He rubbed his head, and sat up.

   "Ow, what the...." he trailed off still looking at me. I them noticed the water still circling me and quickly put my necklace back on.

  "Amen....." I tried go say but he immediately bolted away and out of the forest.



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