03 ; royalty

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(name) (last/name) is not a force to be reckoned with.

But- when you're the wealthy heiress to a business empire and in connections with people that could easily make anyone disappear with a simple phone call- who would want to oppose her?


Izaya Orihara, of course.

Now it goes without saying that Izaya is accustomed to people who... dislike him. He is used to the petty insults and the weak-attempted swipes his pathetic little humans would throw at him, in a fruitless attempt to strike at the man. Of course, they would have to be able to get past the incredibly reinforced wall of protection her had built for himself- and of course, it still stood standing.

So, it would be unsurprising for him to take their distaste with a grain of salt, if not retaliate with his own taunting reply if he was in the mood to provoke them.

Which is why he is such a problem for (name)(last/name).

Ever since the girl of 19 had moved into the large complex suite in Ikebukuro that her father had bought for her, she'd had to deal with the annoyingly manipulative bastard that was Izaya Orihara, and it didn't look like he was about to throw away his new play toy anytime soon.

Now it goes without saying that (name) was undoubtedly rich, but this did not come with the stereotypical qualities many staple to the likes of her. She was not snobbish, or a miser. She was neither selfish, nor egoistic. But she did like things to be done in a certain way, which was her own way.

And that is why Izaya is such a problem for (name) (last/name).

The first time the pair had met was hardly in regular circumstances. Somehow she had managed to get herself kidnapped despite only being in town for 45 minutes- word must spread fast. Only it was she that has gotten herself kidnapped- it was him.

;; flashback ;;

As soon as she felt herself thrown at his feet, wrists bound tightly behind her back, she had grown to hate that teasing smile that seemed to forever-adorn his admittedly handsome features.

"Ah... (name) (last/name) - what a nice surprise~!"

Had her mouth not been taped she would most definitely have given him a detailed lecture in why this was anything but nice.

"Can I call you (name)-chan~?" He leaned forward over his desk, the smirk that danced along his features widening, not waiting for a reply, "I'm going to call you (name)-chan-"

"Can I confide in you... (name)-chan~?" He purred, leaning back in his chair and letting her name roll off his tongue as if he were tasting it.

"I have a problem." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. (name)'s hands tightened around her bindings as forced herself to keep her calm composure from toppling over. This was outrageous, perposterous, ridiculous. She was meant to be attending a business meeting and here she was, as this weird guy's councellor.

"I love humans- I do... I really do-" he paused for thought, "And I've seen many humans, (name)-chan; people just-like-you~" if it wasn't for the back that his childish honorifics and playful voice didn't betray her situation, she should have felt less scared. Should have.

"But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt..."

He hops off his chair and walks around his desk in front of her, kneeling down so he was eye level with her. He rested he head on his knee as a bored expression crossed his face. "Every human is different. Surprise me. Entertain me. Show me that you are worth my time~"

At this point, she could hardly contain the rage that had been pent up inside her as she heard him ramble on. Just who the hell was this guy? Who did he think he is? Did he know who you were? (name) (last/name) was NOT a toy, and she did not intend to be his little doll until he became bored of her.

He pouted, the smirk that seemingly vanished threatening to spill onto his features once again as he looked her in the eyes. "Awe~ is (name)-chan mad at me~? You try to control it, but I can see it in your eyes, y'know... you have quite the pair of (e/c) orbs might I add-" he commented with a small chuckle, watching as a confusion and fluster clouded her eyes.

"Like an open book..." he mumbled, he leaned forward. "I hope you won't be as boring as I anticipate-" his fingers hovered over the tape that covered her mouth, peeling at the corner very slightly. Up till now she had remained remarkably quiet, even through her gag- this caught his attention, and now he wanted to know what she had on her mind. But by now, this little game he had dragged her into was more if she would stay within the lines of the dull, uninteresting girl he anticipated.

He peeled away the tape, letting her catch her breath for a moment before letting her gaze catch in his in a steely lock.

"And just what makes you think I'll entertain you, you filthy scumba-"

"Awe~ so cute~!" He mused, throwing his hands around in exaggerated movements, which seemed to be his thing. "You think you have a choice~" he chuckled lightly.

(name) gritted her teeth and glared at him. "Do you know who you're dealing with?" She snapped. Izaya simply raised an eyebrow, "Oh ho- why of course~ Miss (name) (last/name); daughter of the founder of INK.co; CEO of her own business; 19Years of Age; Born on (d/m/y); Graduated from Japan's prestigious Toho Academy; Mastered in Business, Psychology and Foreign Language..." (name) could only sit there, her jaw slack as she listened to him list the details of her life. "...Interests including baking, literature and sketching; enjoys team sports; owns three cats; blood type (a/b/ab/o); virgin-"

(names) fists clenched as she struggled in her ropes again, her intincts to slap him riddling away with each failed tug, a fiery crimson hue spreading over her face. "You bastard- what are you... some weird stalker-?!" Orihara frowned. "I think it's obvious that despite your degrees you're still thick enough not to realise exactly who you're talking to." He mused, observing her. "I know exactly who! A rotten criminal with not regards for anyone else! How many other people have you tied up here? You're nothing but a low life stalker- You digusting piec-"

"Izaya Orihara."

Her words caught in her throat. Had her ears failed her?

"..Who?" She asked quietly, willing herself to keep a small tremor from creeping into her voice.

"Izaya Orihara." He repeated simply, that sick smile appearing on his face once again.

"My name is Izaya Orihara~"

« to be continued »

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