Mommy What's Abortion?

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Mariah's Pov

I looked down at my hands and played with them trying to figure out how to explain this.

"Say something!" he yelled causing me to jump and look at him

"I-I didn't know that I could have kids. When I was younger I was told it was impossible because of the damage that was done by my stepfather. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I found out when I went to the doctors" I cried

"You're getting an abortion" he said

My eyes widened and tears fell down my cheeks

"I'm not getting an abortion Chris! I was lucky enough to get pregnant" I yelled

"Mariah I don't need another child right now!" he yelled back

"Well too damn bad because I'm keeping it! And if you don't want me here I'll leave" I said

"Mariah if you leave *don't* bother coming back" he said

"I won't" I whispered and wiped tears as I put on my shoes and walked started out of the room.

Lillian's Pov

I ran back to my room and got in bed pretending to be sleep. Why was daddy and Mariah fighting?

Next Day

"Daddy! Can I go visit mommy?!" I yelled in his ear as he slept. He jumped up and rubbed his eyes looking at me angrily. I pouted and played with my fingers something that he always fell for.

"Yes you can go visit your mother let's get ready" he said

20 minutes later

Dad gave me a bath and he took a shower. He dressed me in my favorite hello kitty jogging suit and shoes to match. He didn't do so well only hair but I'll ask mommy to do it. We just came from McDonalds' and were now heading to mommies!

"Lillian?" he said

"Yeah daddy" I laughed

"I'm sorry" he sighed

I didn't know what he meant but I guess I'll find out another day.

"It's okay?"


"Mommy!" I yelled as I ran into her arms

"Hey boo" she said as she kissed my face all over I laughed and tried feeding her my chicken nuggets

"Girl I don't want that" she said as she moved her face away

She put me down and I held her hand. I looked at the park dad and I met mom at and couldn't wait to get on the swings.

YN Pov

"Chris when's the last time you gave her something healthy to eat instead of this McDonald crap?" I said

He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so when are you coming to pick her up I want to make sure we get through as much activities as we can that I have planned for us today" I said

"In three hours" he said

"Five?" I questioned

"No three" he said

"Okay then four" I suggested

"Fine" he knelt down to Lillian and gave her kiss on the cheek

"See you in a little while princess" he smiled

He stood back up and looked at me he stuck his hand out and I shook it. I tried pulling my hand away but he acted as if he didn't want to let go when he finally did Lillian and I headed to the park.



"What's abortion?"

The question totally caught me off guard

"Baby where did you get that from?" I asked

"Daddy told Mariah to get one"

He did not get this heffa pregnant....

I know it's not the best but I've been sooooo busy with school sorry! But I should post some more tomorrow! 😏

Brown Eyes a Chris Brown Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora