I've got two faces

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Stiles woke up filled with fear and relief. Fear for what he had just went through with Allison's hallucination and the thoughts that came with it. But relief that it was over, at least for the time being.

He felt a strong hand in his, holding with a firm reassurance of strength and protection. He followed with his eyes, up the arm attached to the hand and came face to face with a dozing Zombie wolf.

He couldn't help smiling at the adorable face on the older man. He looked so relaxed and younger in his sleep. He didn't have his usual mask of sass and cruel stoicism marring the handsome features.

Stiles blushes slightly and looks down jerking his hand out of the wolfs grasp.

He couldn't believe he just thought that.

Peter was almost twice his age! Okay that was an exaggeration. He was seventeen almost eighteen, and since Derek was only a few years older, early twenties, Peters only a few years older than Derek, so seven years maybe eight.

See, and it wouldn't be illegal in a few months anyway. You'd be in the middle if senior year!

Though he was slightly worried at the content of his thought, he was happy it was his own and not Voids. Or even Allison's.

His quick move to get away from the older wolf caused Peter to jerk awake and instantly be alert. He stood and darted his eyes around checking for any threats.

"Jeeze, you can calm down zombie wolf, you startled me it all. You really live up to the creepy status, watching me sleep and grasping appendages while I'm unconscious," Stiles teased Peter.

Peter narrowed his eyes, "How are you feeling?"

Stiles shrugged. He doesn't remember much, only talking with Liam and Scott at the school, before Allison took up all thoughts...

"Wait, where am I? Wasn't I at school?"

"You had an... Attack in the parking lot. Scared most of us shitless. We took you to Deatons and he said he thinks he knows whats wrong with you. "

Stiles looked around but didn't see any sign of anyone else. He laid on an uncomfortable metal table meant for animals. The window in the corner showed a deep pink-orange color shinning in.

It was evening.

"Where is everybody? Did someone call my dad and let him know whats up? Oh god he's probably worried like crazy. He's going to make Parrish babysit me again, I know it."

Peter rolled his eyes in fond annoyance, "The others went out scouting with some of the Stryker pack. And you should probably call the sheriff."

Stiles groaned throwing his head back, "Seriously? You guys didn't call my dad? That's like the most important thing! He's going to be pissed! Oh my god you guys are useless."

He pat himself down looking for his phone and found it in his jacket pocket. He saw 5 missed calls from his dad and 23 texts.

Great, his dad was pissed. Sure they haven't spent much time and he is ignored, but his dad still checks on him making sure he's not, you know, dead.

"So, your dad will care if you don't go to school but he hasn't noticed that fact that you're emotionally unstable?" Peter asked, his voice laced with disdain.

Stiles sent a quick text telling his dad he was at Deatons, supernatural emergency, but that he was okay and will be home later.

"We haven't, spoken much these last few... Months," he trailed off looking down.

"Since, the Nogitsune," Peter added with a flat voice.

Stiles shrugged.

Peter sighed as Deaton came into the room, "Oh good your awake. Do you mind if I do a few normal procedures? "

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