HAHA no...

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Magnus Bane POV

"No really, what are they?" I spoke. He can't be serious! Can he?

"I told you, they're shadow hunters. They just haven't known. Sort of like the little one you call Clary."

"Ah, yes, my Lil' Biscuit. Fine, if they really are shadow hunters, which institute would they stay in?" I asked with an eyebrow raised as Castiel spaced out in thought.

"Isn't your boyfriend a shadow hunter?"

"Oh no, they are not staying in the New York Institute! There might not even be enough room anyways!"

"Well its not your decision to make Bane!"

"Fine let's go ask Maryse then!"

At the institute

As we walked up the steps, I could slightly here my uncle, Castiel,muttering with those mundanes, or now known as shadowhunters. I highly doubt Maryse will let them into the institute,well, at least I hope she doesn't.

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