Part 4

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It's been two weeks since Piccolo and that cat girl left me by myself here. The cat girl is really nice but I hope Piccolo doesn't do anything bad to her. It's nighttime and it was really cold out here. I was really scared because of me stuck on a cliff from the dinosaur early. I was shivering and I was hungry for not eating anything." I'm hungry. I'm cold. I'm scared". I said and tried to got to sleep. But then I suddenly heard a whoosh of wind come from no where. I opened my eyes and looked around then I saw two apples on the ground." Yay apples". I said went to them and sat down. I picked one up and took some bites. Then I stopped taking bites because it tastes sour." These are sour! It taste gross! I miss mom's cooking!" I said but kept eating the apples.


Ugh this child is so annoying. How ungrateful he is. I swear once we get to training, he's gonna have to stop that attitude. Baby came along with me to watch Gohan. I looked over to her and she was frowning." Something wrong?" I said while watching Gohan." Don't you think leaving him here is sort of harsh?" She said and I huffed." How many times do I have to tell you? He'll be fine. Stop worrying about him. I don't see how your so protective over him. He's not even your child, now is he?" I said and she shook her head." Besides, as soon as he learns to survive by himself, he'll be train and find his hidden power and be as strong as both of us". I said." And if he doesn't bring out his hidden power? You know it's a possibility". She said and I looked at her annoyed." Don't talk nonsense Baby. Of course he'll fine his hidden power. Whether he likes it or not, he is going to find it". I said. Then I looked to see Gohan looking up at the sky but he was standing still. Then suddenly a huge wave of energy was coming from him." What in the world?" I mumbled. Then Gohan started to roar like a crazed animal and started to grow. Then he became a great ape." W-What t-the h-heck?!" Baby said in fear. Gohan was going on a rampage destroying mountains and shooting lasers out of his mouth. " At this rate, he'll probably destroy the planet before the saiyans come". I said getting a gasp from Baby. Then I remember something from what that saiyan said.


"Do you have any ideas what you did? You lost your great power because of you losing your tail to transform. Your great power would only happen when the full moon is out". The saiyan said.


That's it. The moon. They need the moon. I looked over to Baby still watching Gohan's rampage. I flew in front of her and grabbed her shoulders." Baby, listen to me and listen to me clearly. Don't you dare go near the monster. There's no need to try to make him stop yourself. Understand?" I said and she quickly nodded." What are you gonna do?" She said and I flew away from her and face the moon. I started a ki blast then I shot at the moon and then it started to glow then it exploded. Then Gohan roared again but then started to shrink to back to his normal size. He then felt down unconscious naked. I huffed and me and Baby landed to the ground and walk to Gohan body." How did you know that would work?" Baby said." I remembered something about the full moon is how the saiyans bring out their full energy. The full moon is what they need to grow into that huge monster". I said." Is there anyway to prevent this from happening again?" She said." Yeah. His tail is what they need when they look at the full moon. So we have to remove his tail". I said. I grabbed his tail and pulled it out and it came clean off." Now I have to give him some clothes". I said and shot a clothes blast at him and some clothes appear on him that looked like Goku's clothes." Now that this is over. We should go back". I said. She nodded and we flew away from Gohan. That was close. That dang kid almost destroyed this entire world. But at least it's over and me and Baby are safe.



It's been 6 months since I train with Piccolo and Gohan. Me and Gohan got introduced properly and he really is a sweet kid. Me and Gohan were sparring as Piccolo watches us. But for some reason he's been looking at me fight mostly then back to Gohan. I don't know what's up with him but i'll leave it alone for now." Ok you two that's enough training for today". Piccolo said and me and Gohan left to the ground tired. " You two are idiots". Piccolo said and I laid down on my stomach moving my legs back and forth in the air." I guess it runs in humans". I said earning a chuckle from Gohan. Then Piccolo cracked a grin so I guess he likes that joke." Say Baby, how come you don't ask Piccolo to give you new clothes?" Gohan said." It's because these clothes don't rip at all. The fabric has really strong material". I said." Oh". He said.


Piccolo and Gohan were sparring and they were really good. Gohan has been getting stronger these pass months. Then suddenly the sky was turning dark and they stopped because of that." Why is it becoming dark? It's the middle of the afternoon". Gohan said." I don't know but I don't like it". I said. Piccolo was the only one not speaking which was a little suspicious. Then his eyes widen then down to us." They're coming. The saiyans". He said and my eyes widen." But you said that they would come in a year". I said." They came early than we expected". He said and I gulped. Then he started to take off his hat and turban. " Remember you two, keep your guard up and don't be afraid". Piccolo said and I nodded." I'm ready". Gohan said. Then suddenly sense some high energy coming towards us. Alot of them. Then suddenly a short bald man came out of no where." The saiyans?!" Gohan said." Hey long time no see Piccolo" The short man said." Oh it's just you. What are you doing here?" Piccolo said." You guys can't be taking all of the fun". The short man said." Oh I remember you. Your the guy from Master Roshi's place right?" Gohan said. Wait Gohan and Piccolo knows him?" Yeah names Krillin. I pretty sure you heard about me from your dad". The short man said and Gohan nodded. Then he looked at me and smiled." Hi I'm Krillin, what's your name?" He said." Circus Baby". I said." Unique name. Never heard of it". He said." Thanks". I said." Ok you three conversation is over the saiyans are here". Piccolo said and we all turn and looked up to see two guys floating in the air then landed down away from us." Looks like they've been waiting for us Nappa". The small one said." Ok you two. I'll ask you nicely to leave and never come back to this planet". Piccolo said." Or nut we aren't leaving until we get those dragon balls. So hand them over". The big guy said." What are dragon balls?" I thought. I don't know what their talking about but at least someone would tell me eventually.

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