Part 7

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I heard some voice and a loud machine and my eyes fluttered open. I look to see a lot of people and one laying down next to me." Miss Baby! Your ok!" I heard someone say. I look to see Gohan in a woman's arms. Then everyone saw me." It's good to see that your alive Baby". Krillen said." Oh so your name is Baby. That's really pretty". Said a girl with blue hair." Thank you but my full name is Circus Baby". I said." Circus? Do you work in the circus?" She said. "No". I said. She looked at Krillen then back at me." Well um Baby. I'm Bulma". She said." Nice to meet you". I said." I'm Chichi". Said the woman with her arms around Gohan."It's...... nice to meet you.... Baby". Someone said and I looked to see the guy I saw with Piccolo." Oh your here". I said curiously." Yeah hehe..... we haven't properly introduce ourselves. I'm Goku". He said. He's Goku I've been hearing? "Oh so your Goku? Gohan has told me some things about you". I said." Yep! It's nice to meet you. Circus Baby". He said." It's a pleasure to meet you as well". I said. Everyone here is nice. Maybe I'll get to tell them I'm a animatronic. "Hey um what has transpired when I was knocked out?" I said." Oh well after you um...... brutality killed Nappa, Vegeta hit you in the back of your head making you get knocked out. Then Goku came and saved you and Gohan before anything happened". Krillen said." Oh well thank you. I guess I owe you one, huh?" I said. "No need Baby. I should be really thanking you for trying your best to save Gohan since our last meet". Goku said. I lightly blushed in embarrassed." Your welcome". I said. We soon got to a...... no. Not a hospital. I've never been inside one. I don't know what could happen." Miss Baby? Are you coming?" Gohan said. I looked out the window as Bulma and Master Roshi helps Goku inside. "Y-Yeah. I'm coming". I said. I hopped out and walked with Chichi and Gohan inside the hospital. I was shy at first but no one has seemed to notice me. Soon the doctors helped Gohan, Krillen, and Goku treated their injuries." Are you sure your ok Baby?" Chichi said." Yes I am. Don't worry". I said. They all began to talk while I sat on a chair. They've been talking about something to do with bringing back Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, and Piccolo. That's impossible. I had to step into the conversation because I had no idea what they were talking about." Sorry to intrude the conversation but that's scientifically impossible. There's no way of bringing someone back to life. Even if a scientist have tried. It could cause a lot of effects and would make false things to experiment". I said. They just stared at me." You guys didn't tell her?!" Bulma said angrily." I thought she would know". Krillen said." Know what?" I said." Well Baby there's these things called dragon balls and they could make a wish. That's how we resurrected Goku back to life". Bulma said." Goku was dead?" I said." Uh huh. The dragon balls could make any wish and that's means you can resurrect anyone". Krillen said. I then thought to myself." Such a thing that powerful can exist? But how?" I thought. "You get it now?" Chichi said with a smile." I guess. Although it is uncommon thing to know. I know a lot more of mystical thing but I never came across dragons . It would be interesting to find more information about them". I said." That's cool. But we should be talking about how are we gonna get to Planet Namek. The only ship we had was from those saiyans but the people already took it". Bulma said." I can help you". A voice said behind Bulma. Bulma turned around to see a small genie man with black skin. Bulma screamed and fell to the floor." Ha Ha! Mr. PoPo!" Krillen said." I have heard you were looking for a space ship?" The guy named Mr. PoPo said." Yeah why do you ask?" Krillen said. "Who's that guy?" Master Roshi said." That's Mr. PoPo". The flyer cat said." Mr. PoPo lives with Kami at the lookout. They been watching the earth together". Goku said. "I think I found one but I'm not sure if it is. So I need one of you to come along with me". He said." Hey Bulma you should go with him". Krillen said." WHAT?! ME?!" Bulma said." Yeah. You are only one who knows about this stuff". Krillen said." You expect me to go with him?! Look at him. He's looking at me weirdly with those eyes". Bulma said." C'mon Bulma". Krillen said. She groaned then finally decided to go with him. She started to climb onto Mr. PoPo's flying carpet." Be careful Bulma". I said." She'll be fine Baby. Don't worry". Krillen said. Then soon she disappear with Mr. PoPo." Hey Baby?" Gohan said." Hmmm?" I hummed." How come when we were training with Piccolo, you two have been nervous around each other?" Gohan said. Everyone looked at me. "Does someone have a crush?" Goku said." WHAT?! No..... No we are just friends". I said nervously talking quickly. I heard a low growl and look to see Krillen with a annoyed face." I would think you two were friends. I mean, you are sweet and Piccolo is just cruel and rude". Chichi said." Well he's not that cruel and rude. He is nice when you are on his good side". I said." Sure Baby but you only known Piccolo for almost a year. We known him for years". Krillen said." And he has done terrible things". Chichi added." What...... has he done?" I said." C'mon guys leave it alone. If Baby and Piccolo has a good friendship, then we shouldn't change it". Goku said. Chichi and Krillen rolled their eyes and leaved me alone. What has Piccolo done in the past? Then soon Bulma and Mr. PoPo came and Bulma was excited." So was it a space ship?" I said." Yep and it can totally take us to Planet Namek in no time". She said." Well..... have fun". Krillen said." WHAT?! I'M NOT GOING THERE BY MYSELF! SOMEONE HAS TO COME WITH ME!" Bulma said." Goku is hurt so he can come. Hey Krillen you'll come with me right?" She said." Uh... yeah I guess I can. If you really want me to". Krillen said." How bout you Baby? You wanna join?" Bulma said." Uh?! Me?!" I said." Well of course. I would want someone to talk about girl stuff during the trip". She said with a laugh and I lightly blushed." O-Oh ok. Sure I'll go". I said. " Sounds nice. I wish I could join you. I really want to see what kind of Shenron is on Planet Namek. Maybe he's blue". Goku said." I'll check it out for you. For right now you need to rest up and figure out how to beat the saiyans". Krillen said." Yeah your right. Then it's up for the three of you then". Goku said." I....I...". Gohan said and we all looked at him." I..... I want to go to Namek with you!" Gohan said. Everyone's eyes widen and Chichi was the first one to go to him. "Now that's adorable but there's no time for silly jokes". She said." I'm not making a joke! I really want to go! Please let me. I don't want to stay here". Gohan said." No! You are not going, you hear me?! You'll be leaving for another two months!" Chichi said." I'm sorry Mom. But I want to go more than anything. I wanna be there when they bring Piccolo back to life". He said." How could you even say something for that?! Just look at you! Your not even properly healed yet!" Chichi said." I'm fine. I will be anyway". Gohan said then started to take off the bandages from his head."Gohan! Baby what are you doing?! Stop! Gohan listen to me! I'm your mother!" Chichi said trying to get him to stop. "Please mom. All I want is for you to say I can go". Gohan said." I will not! I forbid it! Do you even know what your asking?! Your not going anywhere! Not for two months! Have you thought about the school you missed?! And those piano lessons won't take themselves! You can't fall behind for Piccolo!" She said. "SHUT UP!!" Gohan snapped. Krillen and Master Roshi gasped in fear. I tilted my head. Gohan is only standing up for a friend. What's the problem with that? "M-My baby boy. H-He's turning into a delinquent". Chichi said." I'm sorry mom. But if you wanna talk about how bad I'm turning out then we can do that later. Right now we need to focus on our friends. They fought hard to protect us. And they died to save us and the earth. But it wasn't for nothing. It can't have been for nothing. I just.... have to do something. I'm sorry mom. I really am. But I have to". Gohan said. Chichi's father finally got her to give in Gohan's decision and he was let to go. Man I wish I was more independent like Gohan when I use to be a child. He's turn out to be a strong young man. I suddenly started to feel some pain on my hip. From the stab HE gave me. He still out there somewhere. And he won't get to any of my friends. They don't deserve what I have left when I was a child. No one does in this world.

They treat me like a human( Fnaf and Dragon ball z fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now