Part 6

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I saw how all of the saibamen exploded until I noticed one hiding. But I decided to let Krillin take care of it. But instead it came out and tried to attack Gohan. But Piccolo got it and killed it before it got to Gohan." Thanks Piccolo". Gohan said." Keep your thanks. You need to learn that I'm not going to be your protector forever". Piccolo said. I tilted my head at him but then shrugged. I don't see how he can be so rude to Gohan. I mean he's just a child and he is trying his best to fight like everyone else here. But he's just too afraid to show that confidence and would keep his innocent and fragile side to him. I use to be like that. One day I was just walking in the woods near my house and this guy attack me. I snapped that day and beat him to death. That's when I learn that I need to learn to protect myself. So that wouldn't happening again and...... to protect people from me." BABY!" Someone yelled and I turn to see Piccolo. "S-Sorry". I said." There is no time to daydream Baby. You know that". He said." I-I know that. I apologize". I said. He grunted angrily and looked away from me. I looked down in sadness. Why do I keep doing that? I don't mean to. I just keep thinking to myself that I'm a danger to humans? I mean who wouldn't be scared by a monster like me? The fight continued and we were fighting the tall saiyan named Nappa. But then suddenly the little guy in our team named Chiaotzu got behind Nappa as he flies into the air."Chiaotzu! Don't do anything you'll regret!" Tien said in shock." Goodbye Tien. I'll never forget you. Stay alive ok?" Chiaotzu said as he glows blue. Nappa was about to hit Chiaotzu off his back when he explodes. My eyes widen and softened in sadness. "NOOOOOOOO!" Tien said. "So that what he was planning. He sacrifice himself to kill the saiyan". Piccolo said. I heard some soft sniffs and look down to see Gohan about to cry. I wrapped my arm around him and he looked at me. I gave him a smile telling him 'don't cry. It's ok'. We kept battling and saw that Nappa cut off Tien's arm. I covered my mouth and saw blood dripping down his arm. I was behind him after all. He noticed I was behind him and he motion me to go. I nodded and ran the over direction making sure Nappa doesn't attack me from behind. But then soon he died but did one last blast. I came over to Piccolo and he looked at me. Krillen murmured something but then yelled out "GOKU WE NEED YOU!". Who's Goku? Me and the others got together. "We need a plan". Piccolo said." Any ideas?" Krillen said. I then noticed his tail." Maybe if we have the chance, we can get him from behind and grab his tail". I said quietly." It's risky but it's worth a shot. After then someone could attack him as we hold his tail". Piccolo said. "But who?" I said."Gohan. You and Baby do it". Piccolo said. I nodded." What? Me?". Gohan said." Yes you. Now let's go Krillen". Piccolo said and they went to grab Nappa's tail. They finally grabbed it." NOW YOU TWO!" Piccolo said. I took out my claws and me and Gohan went running for him. But we both stopped when we saw Nappa hit the top of PICCOLO'S head." Fools. That doesn't affect us anymore. We trained ourselves to resist that". Vegeta said. Piccolo fell to the ground. No...... not you too Piccolo. "Piccolo!" Gohan said and ran to his body. Then suddenly Nappa got to Gohan."Gohan get out of there!" I said. "You could've been a good warrior. Well not today". Nappa said and then hit Gohan in the stomach with his foot. Gohan hit the ground next to me really hurt. Nappa then looked at me and I hissed at him. We kept fighting and noticed that Piccolo was back on his feet. Krillen however was badly hurt and was on the ground. Nappa got to me and hit me in the face and stomach making me fall to the ground. I heard Piccolo growl." Don't you dare touch her!" He yelled and fought Nappa. Soon Piccolo was on the ground as well. That's when I noticed that Nappa was going for Gohan. "G-Gohan". I said quietly. I shook off the pain and went to help but then Nappa make a blast that was about to hit Gohan. It was bright so I covered my eyes. It soon stopped and I open my eyes. My eyes widen at what I was looking. "P-Piccolo?" I said almost crying. Piccolo was in front of Gohan covered in scratches and blood. He saved Gohan. Piccolo then fell to the ground and I ran to him and Gohan." P-Piccolo w-why would you do that?" Gohan said choking in tears." I..... don't know. I wouldn't think...... I would end like this. Me..... having to train and s...... save a brat. But you two have made me change a lot this past year. I'll never forget that". Piccolo said." P-Piccolo p-please......d-don't d-die. I-I'd n-never h-had a f-friend like you". I said choking in tears as well. He looked at me and made a small smile." I'd never had a friend like you n...". He said and soon...... he was gone. I began to cry softly as I see my own friend die. "Aw what's the matter woman? Lost someone". Nappa said cocky. My eyes shot up and I looked at him." You. How could you?!" I said." Someone's mad. How about you just die woman? You deserve to die". He said. I could remember HIM saying those words." I'll...... I'll". I said then clenched my fist." You'll what?" He said. I changed my eyes and took out my claws. "I KILL YOU!!!!" I said.  I attacked him and stabbed him in the stomach with my claws. I kicked and punched him and he coughed up blood. I closed his mouth making him drown in his own blood." You don't know what we've been through". I said and he soon died. The suddenly I felt a hit in the back and I blacked out.

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