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We're all humans,
unpure and unsure.
Allured by the promise
assured of the certainty
of a perfect eternity;
The cure of our problems.

In the Father we trust!
The infinite omnipotent patriarch
pardoning faults found in feeble hearts,
and sinful thoughts forged in dark.
Love unconditional--with just one condition.
Believe and receive, such an easy decision.

People's lives weighed and judged
believers found perfect, their soul's whole, untainted
the doubters found filthy and torn.
Barred from Utopia, his heavenly scorn,
doomed to death everlasting, only fire and hatred.

But we're all humans?
Conciously consuming
our contenance brooding
as we search for a meaning
while using and dooming
each low, lesser being.
We bless those who heed us
And regard us with deference
and curse those not like us.
Like Father, like son
is there hope for a difference?

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