Limitless Creativity

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Do you ever get that feeling?

That inexplicable divine stirring 

boiling over and bubbling deep down

some place inside of you

that's existed much longer than you've been alive.

I can sense my eternalness in the words I write,

each meter is a measure of forever.

My pen against the paper, etching ancient magic,

imbuing the page with my essence for the rest of time.

I can feel my divinity in the parables I pen,

the images so vivid in my mind and then transcribed.

I describe my soul in detail, a foray through long-forgotten memories,

a trip into my tempestuous thoughts.

Do you ever get that feeling?

That there's no limit to what you can create

with a rampant ranting imagination that's

boiling over and bubbling deep down

some place inside of you

that's existed since time itself.

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