Flying Free

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It felt good, to have the cool wind flowing through his hair and over his face. He pressed the button under his foot with his heel. He began to fall fast, but he didn't care; he loved the rush, the acceleration. The adrenaline pumping through his veins. It felt like he was flying free, like he always wanted. 

He groaned as he heard sirens blazing behind him.


"Sorry Delbert, it's been a madhouse here all morning." Sarah Hawkins apologized as she placed dishes on a table in front of a dog alien.

"Not a problem, Sarah." Delbert said as he sat down his book, "How's Jim been doing?"

"Much better. I know that he's had a few moments earlier on this year, but I really think his beginning to turn the corner." Sarah answered as she took several dishes into her arms.

"Mrs. Hawkins." A robot police officer addressed the woman as he and his partner rolled in with Jim.

"Jim!" Sarah gasped, dropping her stack of dishes.

"Oh, wrong turn." Delbert muttered.

"Okay, thanks for the lift guys," Jim tried to walk away with a smile.

"Not so fast," One of the robot cops caught him by the shoulder.

"We found your son operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area," One cop said.

"As you know Ma'am this constitutes violation of his probation."

"Yes, yes. No, I understand. But maybe...could we just..." Sarah couldn't find the right words.

The cops told her that if Jim slipped again he would be sent to Juvenile Hall then they left.

"Jim, I have had it. Do you want to go to Juvenile Hall is that it?" Sarah asked. Jim didn't say anything as he turned, walked over to a table, and started to clear it of used dishes, "Jim, Jim look at me. It's been hard enough to keep this place afloat by myself without you..."

"Mama, it was no big deal. There was nobody around. Those cops just won't get off my..." Jim turned to face his mother, but he stopped talking when Sarah gave him a disapproving look. "Forget it." He mumbled turning away. 

"Jim, I just don't want to see you throw away your entire future." Sarah explained then walked away.

"Yeah, what future?" Jim asked under his breath as he walked into the kitchen.

To Be Continued...

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