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Leila watched as days went by that Jim was beginning to get along with Silver and was learning things from him. Leila was a little jealous, because Captain Amelia was so serious when it came to Leila's training. She never showed her things just to show her. Captain Amelia was kind to her but was to be seen as Leila's Captain, mentor, and trainer, nothing more.

Jim spent just about every minute of the day with Silver cleaning up the ship and attending to the galley. One day Silver decided that he would take Jim for a ride in one of the longboats. They cruised in the dust of a shooting star, soared through the streams of color...

Leila snuck down below to see that Jim and Silver had come back on ship. She hid in the shadows. "Oh Jimbo," Silver said, "If I could pull a maneuver like that when I was your age they'd be bowing in the streets when I walked by today." He sat down with Morph in the form of his likeness.

"I don't know," Jim smiled, "They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home." He smirked as he sat down, "But I'm gonna change all that."

"Are ya now? How so," Silver wondered.

"Oh, I got some plans, going to make people see me a little different."

"Ooh. Sometimes plans go astray."

"Not this time." Jim watched Silver loosen a nut on his bionic leg with Morph's assistance. "So, uh, how'd that happen anyway?"

"You give up a few things, chasing a dream."

"Was it worth it?"

Silver chuckled and sat down beside Jim, "I hoping it is Jimbo, I most surely am."

All three gasped when the ship suddenly lurched forcefully. Leila tried to run back up deck before she could be seen, but Jim grabbed her hand, "What are you doing spying on us?" He asked a little angry.

"I was just..." Leila didn't like seeing anger in Jim's endless blue eyes.

"No time for that lad," Silver said putting a hand on Jim's shoulder, "We have to see what be going on up on deck," He headed for the stairwell and went up them.

Jim gave Leila's hand a squeeze as he continued to hang on to it as they ran up the stairwell to the deck. "I'm sorry Jim." She said.

"I'm sorry too." Jim told her.

"What the devil," Silver said as he stepped on deck.

"Good heavens," Delbert pulled out his telescope, "The star Pelusa, its gone Supernova."

"Engage evasive action, Mr. Turnbuckle," Captain Amelia ran up the stairs to the helm. Leila let go of Jim's hand and made her way across the deck to the helm.

"Aye Captain," The many-armed helmsman said and turned the wheel.

"All hands fasten your lifelines," Mr. Arrow hollered. Jim and Silver ran to obey the order.

Blasts went through the sails. "Leila, secure those sails." The Captain told her.

"Secure all sails," Leila yelled as loud as she could. She secured her own lifeline and climbed into the rigging after Jim and Silver. Leila walked across the way to one side of a sail while Silver stayed on the other side.

The ship pitched. Leila screamed when a shock wave made her lose her footing and fall from the rigging. "LEILA!" Jim shouted, he grabbed her, and pulled her back up and into his arms.

"Thanks," She smiled as he helped her stand up. The three climbed back down to the deck.

"You heard her men, unfurl those sails." Mr. Arrow said. Some of the aliens got mad.

Leila rolled her eyes and climbed back up into the rigging. "Mr. Hawkins," Captain Amelia called to Jim before he could follow Leila, "Make sure all lifelines are secured good and tight!"

"Aye-aye Captain," Jim ran over to the rope and jerked on them as hard as he could. "Lifelines secured Captain!"

"Very good," Captain Amelia smiled approvingly at him.

"Captain the last wave, here it comes!" Delbert hollered over all the noise.

"Hold onto your lifelines! Gents, it's going to be a bumpy ride!" Captain Amelia held onto the wheel.

Leila grabbed hold of one of the giant post. Jim covered her body with his and Silver shielded the two of them with his. "I'll protect you," Jim said against her ear.

The ship continued to fall into the blackness until the wave made the sails jump to life and lifted them back out of the black hole. They were now a safe distance away from the hole. The crew erupted with cheering. Jim and Leila looked at each other when Silver let them go. Leila pressed her lips softly against Jim's. Jim kissed her back as he slipped his arms around her. Leila wrapped her arms around his neck. Jim deepened the kiss and caressed Leila's tongue with his. Leila ran a hand into his hair.

Silver saw them out of the corner of his eye and smirked lightly. Jim and Leila pulled away and smiled at each other. Jim reached out to brush Leila's bangs out of her left eye, but Leila stepped back. Jim looked at her taken aback. Leila shook her head. He looked at her confused.

"Well, I must congratulate you Mr. Silver," The Captain said, "It seems your cabin boy did a bang-up job with those lifelines."

Silver and Jim nudged each other giggling. Leila took Jim's hand. Jim looked at her to see her smile at him.

"All hands accounted for Mr. Arrow?" Captain Amelia asked. There was no answer. "Mr. Arrow?"

Scroop came forward with a fake sad face and a hat in hand. "I'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lost," He told Amelia as he held Mr. Arrow's hat out to her. Amelia took the hat with a devastated face. "His lifeline was not secured."

Everyone looked at Jim. Amelia looked at him angrily. "No I checked them all!" Jim went to the lifeline rack. "I – I did I checked them all. It was secure." He looked at Captain Amelia, "I swear!"

Amelia looked at him angrily still. She spoke to the crew with a sad face, "Mr. Arrow was a... Ahem... a fine spacer, finer than most of us could ever hope to be. But he knew the risks as do we all. Resume your posts. We carry on."

He looked at Silver and Leila then Jim ran away embarrassed.


Silver found Jim sitting silently in the shrouds fiddling with a short piece of rope. "It weren't your fault you know." He said. Jim merely sighed. "Why, half the crew be spinning in the black abyss –"

Jim angrily threw the piece of rope and hoped down from the shrouds, "Look, don't you get it? I screwed up! For two seconds that maybe I could do something right, but – Aagh! "I just – Just forget it. Forget it." Jim now had his back to Silver with his body leaning against a post.

The two were quiet for a second. Silver grabbed Jim's shoulder and turned Jim around to face him. "Now you listen to me James Hawkins." Jim looked at him with a sad face and tears were lining his eyes. "You got the makings of greatness in ya, but got to take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls. And when the time comes ya get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show 'em what your made of – Well, I hope I'm there catching some of the light coming off of ya that day."

Jim just looked at him with tears in his eyes. Jim let his head fall against Silver's bulging belly. Jim started to sob softly. "Lad, it's all right, Jimbo," Silver patted his shoulder then wrapped his arms around him to comfort him, "It's all right." He then cleared his throat and pushed Jim away, "Now Jim, I best get back to my watch. And you best be getting some shuteye." Silver nudged him towards the stairs that led to the crew quarters below deck.

Jim stopped and looked at Silver and then smiled. Silver waved gently at him. Jim went below deck.

"Gettin' in too deep here Morphy," Silver told the pink blob. "Next thing you know they'd be saying I've gone soft." Morph squeaked and rubbed against Silver's cheek.

They didn't know that they were being watched. She smiled and gently closed the door of Captain Amelia's stateroom.

To Be Continued...

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