Smoldering Electricity

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The Montressor Space Port was filled with filled with shops, people of different races and, of course, ships. Jim was hardly listening to Delbert rambling on about something having to do with his weird new suit and a two-headed salesman as they walked through the crowd, "Look, let's just find the ship, okay?" Jim said, making Delbert stop.

Eventually they did. Delbert was rambling on again and then he ran into Jim. Delbert looked up, "Ah, Jim, this is our ship; The R. L. S. Legacy." Delbert stated. Gulls flew throw the sails as they cried loudly.

"Whoa!" Jim looked at the ship, trying to take all of it in. The two climbed aboard. "How cool is this?"

Jim ran into somebody. Jim looked to see he stepped on the tail of an alien, "Sorry about that, I didn't..."

The alien started to fuss at Jim, but his words came out like farting sounds. "Allow me to handle this." Delbert interrupted, he communicated with the alien and then it started to laugh. "I'm fluent in Flatchula Jim, took two years of it in High School."

"Flatchula. Cool." Jim grinned, fixed his bangs, and followed Delbert.

"Good morning Captain. Is everything shipshape?" Delbert asked a man that appeared to be made of stone.

The man turned to look at Delbert and Jim, "Shipshape it is, sir. But I'm not the Captain, the Captain's aloft." The man said. The three looked to see a feline woman making her way to the deck she landed on her feet with a meow.

"Mr. Arrow I checked this miserable ship from Stem to Stern and as usual-its spot on. Can you get nothing wrong?" She wondered.

"You flatter me, Captain." Mr. Arrow tipped his hat at the Captain.

The Captain turned to see Delbert, "Ah, Dr. Doppler I presume?"

"Uh, uh yes." Delbert said through his suit.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" The Captain banged on the glass of Delbert's helmet.

"Yes I can. Sop that banging."

"If I may Doctor this works so much better when its right way up and plugged in." The Captain turned something on the suit then plugged a cord in the back, "Lovely. There you go."

"If you don't mind I can manage my own plugging." Delbert jerked his helmet off and grabbed the cord and held it up.

"I'm Captain Amelia. Had a few run-ins with pro armada, nasty business but I won't bore you with my scars. You met my first officer Mr. Arrow; sterling, tough, dependable, honest, brave, and true." Captain Amelia described Mr. Arrow.

"Please Captain." Mr. Arrow gave a bashful grin.

"Oh shut up Arrow, you know I don't mean a word of it." Amelia teased.

Jim could swear that he heard singing. He looked up in the rigging to see a slim figure dancing behind one of the sails. The figure walked out from behind the sail. 

 Amelia saw Jim looking at something then she looked up too to see what Jim was looking at, "Oh, I see." Amelia said softly to herself then she cleared her throat. "Leila!" Amelia called. The person and looked down, removing an ear-bud from their ear. "Come down here and greet our guests, would you?"

The person, Jim guessed, smiled. The person grabbed a rope and slid down it onto the deck. It was a girl; a girl who was only little shorter than Jim. She had messy bangs, which, the majority of them, covered her left eye. Her long blonde hair ran down in a ponytail that was wrapped in cloth and only showed a tuft of hair at the end. Her ponytail ran to the middle of her back. A portion of the eyebrow above her right eye was missing, a scar cut through it. One of her ears had a silver loop in the earlobe as well as the cartilage. A slim red bandana was tied around her neck. She wore a red cuff around her left wrist. Her shirt was a light blue hue, it cut off a little ways down above her midriff. Some of her cleavage was visible. Her pants were deep beige shorts that showed were her stomach edged into her hips. She wore black boots. Her eyes or rather her eye is what caught Jim's attention the most. Her eye, that was visible, was a deep smoldering green, the color was smothering.

"Allow me to introduce my apprentice, Leila," Amelia smiled proudly.

Jim could feel a hot blush run to his cheeks. She was gorgeous. Leila was the most beautiful thing Jim had ever seen. She smiled at Delbert and Jim, "Hi." She held out a hand to Delbert, who took her hand, and then to Jim with a smile that made Jim blush again.

"Jim." Jim took her hand and felt as if a jolt of electricity had ran through.

Leila smiled at him, revealing perfectly straight pearly white teeth, "It's very nice to meet you."

"Leila, would you please accompany us to my study for a little talk?" The Captain drew Leila's attention to her.

"Aye, Captain." Leila said.

To Be Continued...

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