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Jim was sitting in his hammock bored when he heard sweet singing flowing into the cabin from the deck. Jim's eyebrow rose in curiosity, he got up, and went on deck to see who it was. Once he was on deck the singing had become clearer, but he couldn't locate the source of the melody. Jim looked up to see a person seating on the edge of the lookout in the pure light of the full moon of the planets that the ship was passing. 

The vocalizing switched to actual words, 

"Dreams to dream

In the dark of the night.

When the world goes wrong

I can still make it right.

I can see so far in my dreams

I'll follow my dreams

Until they come true." The voice sang gently. Jim tried to make out who it was.

"There is a star waiting to guide us shining inside us

When we close our eyes.

Come with me you will see what I mean

There's a world inside no one else ever sees...." Jim climbed up to the lookout as the voice put more passion into the song, "...You will go so far in my dreams

Somewhere in my dreams your dreams will come true.

Don't let go if you stay close to me

In my dreams tonight you will see what I see

Dreams to dream,

As near as can be

Inside you and me, they always come true.

Inside you and me, they always come true." The voice held the note softly, but strongly. The singing stopped. The figure was seating facing the moon as it slowly passed by. "Did I wake you cabin boy?" The person asked, only then did Jim figure out who it was.

"Uh, no. I was already awake." Jim said. Leila looked over her shoulder at him, she looked at him for a minute then she smiled small at him. Jim smiled back, "Um. That was a pretty song you sang. Who taught it to you?" Jim asked, trying to dissolve the awkwardness he felt.

"My Grandmother," Leila answered looking back at the moon. Jim sat down beside her.

"My Mother used to sing to me every night when I was little." Jim stated looking up at the great source of light above them.

"My mother was never around, nor was my father." Leila said hugging her legs to her. Somehow she didn't fall.

"Why not?" Jim looked at her.

"They abandoned me; left me to fend for myself, left me all alone. Until Captain Amelia took me in."

"That's horrible. How did she find you?" Jim wondered with innocent curiosity.

Leila gave a light chuckle, "She caught me picking her pocket for some doubloons." Leila grinned a little.

"I'm sorry, Leila." Jim said.

"Sorry for what?"

"For what your parents did to you," Jim explained.

"Thank you." Leila looked at Jim to find him staring at her. 

To Be Continued...

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