Malfoy Manor

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He grabs my arm and tries to half-drag me to his office, but the crowd isn't as eager to let him out as they were to let him in. He threatens everyone with detention, but eventually he drops my arm. I smile gratefully at these strangers who are willing to help me, then go about my day.

Dinner is odd without Juliana by my side. I worry about her. Is she okay? After half an hour of sitting in silence, unable to eat, I go see Professor McGonagall. "Professor," I begin, "I know this is an irregular request, but what can you tell me about Draco Malfoy?"

Professor McGonagall looks taken aback. "Does this, by any chance, have to do with..."

"Yes," I interrupt, not wanting to hear her say it..

"Well, then, you may want to ask Professor Slughorn. He's the current head of Slytherin."

I nod. "Thank you so much." Then I dash off to Professor Slughorn's office.

I knock on the door. "Come in," Professor Slughorn says.

I open the door. "Professor, may I ask you something?"

"Ask away," he says brightly.

"Where do you think Draco Malfoy is right now?"

Professor Slughorn seems surprised. "Does this have to do with the, er, disappearance?" he asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Well, ordinarily I couldn't tell you, but, given the current...situation, he is most likely at his home, Malfoy Manor. I hear they're using it as a base."

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim.

"No trouble at all, my dear!"

I race down to find Beth and Tiana. "I need your help," I tell them quickly. "Yes, it has to do with Juliana. I need an excuse to leave the grounds and someone who can Apparate."

"Okay," says Tiana unquestiongly, "but we do need a reason." We're all quiet for a moment, thinking.

"Oh!" Beth exclaims, snapping her fingers. "This Saturday we're going into Hogsmeade."

"But the first-years aren't allowed," I point out. "They're bound to notice." Suddenly, an idea sparks. "The Polyjuice Potion!" I exclaim.

"But that will take weeks," Beth says. "We don't have that kind of time."

"A Disillusionment Charm?" Tiana suggests. "I think Beth or I could do one."

"That could work, if I hide in the shadows most of the time," I decide.

"Let's do it, then," Beth resolves.

Saturday can't come soon enough, but the day arrives eventually. Everything relies on me, really. But we manage to get into the Three Broomsticks unnoticed. We blend in perfectly. "Remember," Beth says, "we all have to concentrate as hard as possible to make sure we get there. Malfoy Manor."

Malfoy Manor. Malfoy Manor. Malfoy Manor. Just in case, I pray to the gods for help. And all of a sudden, I feel a jerk, and I'm being squished into a rubber tube, unable to breathe. What happened? Did something go wrong? Will I be trapped here forever? I can't breathe. I think I'm going to die. I didn't realize Apparation was so dangerous. At least I'm with Beth and Tiana.

Then we're standing in an empty cellar—almost empty, that is.

"Juliana!" I cry, hugging her, the shock I had felt from Apparating completely gone. Beth, Tiana, and two other people watch us. Wait—two other people?

"Hello," says a girl with blond hair and a dreamy voice, almost like she's off in her own world. "I'm Luna Lovegood. This is Mr. Ollivander." She doesn't hesitate to introduce herself and the man--it's as if she knows we mean no harm.

The old man who I almost recognize gives us a feeble wave. "How did you get in here?" he croaks anxiously.

I'm confused. "Well, we Apparated."

"But there are enchantments. You can't Apparate in or out."

Everyone seems confused for a moment. It was so easy to get in here—too easy. Then I realize.

I swear under my breath. "It's a trap," I realize. "They knew we would come. They lifted the enchantment. We can get in, but we can't get out."

I hear footsteps. "Someone's coming. You've got to hide," Juli warns.

Beth pulls out her wand for a Disillusionment Charm, but it's too late.

The door slowly creaks open.

Here's your new chapter! I know it's been a while, and I'm really sorry about that. My schedule has evened out, though, so I'll be able to update more. Thanks for bearing with 

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