Chapter Three: The Library

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Allison was impressed by how empty the library was at this time in the morning. She figured that not everyone had a free period or if they did they didn't use the time to study in the library.

Now that she thinks about it, being the only person in the library is actually a good thing considering she was about to research werewolves. Sending the librarian a quick smile, she finds a computer cubby in the back to do her search.

Typing in "werewolf" to the Google search bar, she waits patiently for the results to load. When the page was halfway loaded, Allison heard the library door open and close. Looking up she didn't see anyone, but Mrs. Pimbleton fixing the shelves in the front. With a shrug she looks back at the computer just in time to see that the results were fully loaded.

It turns out that you can find a lot of interesting things on Google about Werewolves. Allison has come to learn that werewolves or Lou Garou are considered "cursed" as a few websites put it and also learned that a few people believe that they are real and aren't actually killed by silver bullets, but hunters. She was about to click on a website that described itself as the dictionary of the supernatural when a hand on her shoulder startled her from her search.

"What are you looking at?"

It was the same girl that Allison saw on her first night of Beacon Hills. The strawberry blonde that is supposed to change her life forever. Allison's heart is now beating out of her chest, not from being startled, but from the other girl's beauty. She gains composure and decides to lie in the best way she knew how.

"I was trying to predict the next creature that Hollywood would make a big fuss about. Since Twilight ended, it's only a matter of time before werewolf and vampire movies become scarce." She says with a nervous smile.

The other girl gives her a quizzical look before smiling right back. It wasn't an agreed smile; it was an, I know you're lying smile.

"Nice try sweetheart, but I know you're lying. Your heartbeat picked up speed after you thought of that half assed lie." She takes this moment to take a seat next to Allison in the next cubby. She turns toward Allison her eyes glowing purple. "I'm not going to have to hurt you am I? Because you seem like a sweet girl."

Allison doesn't remember her doppelganger mentioning anything about the girl being different, but decides it was probably for a good reason. She tries to explain in the best way possible.

"I-I had a dream about one and I wanted to know if there was a possibility that they could exist." She knows that it's only part of the truth, but hopes that the other girl would drop the matter because their first meeting wasn't supposed to go down like this.

The other girl's face softened as if she could hear her thoughts. She places a hand on top of Allison's and says, "Look, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that I heard about a new girl and I know who you are or well what your family does and thought you were here for me and my friends." She finishes.

Allison's eyebrows crease together. "What do you mean who I am and what my family does? My dad is a security consultant, but I'm just me; boring old Allison." She replies.

The strawberry blonde's face becomes withdrawn. "You don't know. Crap, I just told on myself. I guess I can tell you now. Get your stuff we're going for a walk." The girl gets up and waits for Allison to gather her things.

They walk out of the library, down the hallway and up several flights of stairs before the other girl flings the door open to reveal the roof of the school.

"Don't worry. No one ever comes up here, but me." She says taking a seat on an old couch. She pats the empty space next to her so Allison can sit down.

Her Story ☾Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now