CHAPTER 13: A Choice

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In the realm of the unconventional

Dawn comes in the rarest of the times

Will you let the light guide you after all

Will it be a perennial sunset or sunshine?

Walk towards that halo

Or walk toward the end of the precipice

The decision is all yours this day

To melt or stay cold as the ice.

But do think of the moments

The memories that you rejoice

Because this day is all you have

To make that grave little choice.

"You are carrying my child."

It had been 30 days that she had heard those words but it felt like the impact of that was still resonating so strongly in the air around her. The impact that was thoroughly unabated even 30 days later.

As she stood still, her eyes fixated on the lovely waters of the Blue Crystal Lake, she could never understand the incinerating nerve of emotions that passed through her system every micro second, but the reflection of which never showed on her face.

Her face that showed no emotion at all, no repercussion at all, no feeling at all.

Because the truth was that she was numb. Numb beyond the point of return.

She took a deep breath, her undivided attention still focused on the lake water, the one that was so perfectly and distinctly visible to her from the wide balcony of hisroom.

Just the mere thought of it would have bothered her, would have affected her.

But today, it didn't.

After all, isn't that what happens when every second, every moment, someone's thought is just etched to your mind, like the skin of your own conscience?

So much that she never felt apart, from him, from them, and from their memories.

Although he wasn't here.

Since the past 30 days.



She sighed as she closed her eyes, trying hard to not shed another tear that always threatened to escape her lash line, for she knew it was not good for her. Not good for her baby, for their baby.

She tried to recollect herself as she slowly opened her eyes, only to have the sight of the surreal water greet her, and in one corner of her mind, she only heard those faint voices, the same ones she did from the past 30 days, that made her make her own inferences, own perceptions, and she knew that she wasn't wrong.

Did he not kill her because of this baby?

She would be lying if she said the thought didn't cross her mind. But how could she even insinuate something like that when she knew that him saving her life had nothing to do with her pregnancy?

After all, if that would have been the case then how could he have given her the audacity, the liberty, to make a choice?

Once again the tears threatened to fall from her eyes and she tried desperately to stop them.

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