fights in Hogwarts

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After I was done eating draco  tried to put food down my throat he pushed me to the ground I pushed him away and ran out of the great hall  Ron and Harry where out of the great hall waiting for me they pushed me around and Ron beat me Harry and that point left I got up and ran to where I thought I would be safe and ran in to my uncle's office at the school I curled up on the floor and laid there I heard the door open and foot steps running to me on the floor. Rebecca are you ok? What happened? Who did this to you? Uncle Snape said with a lot of worry in his voice, I don't say a word but I was shaking and trying my hardest not to cry or scream in pain but after a while I had passed out on the floor of my Uncle's office floor and I woke up in the hospital wing and someone was looking at me I think it is  Madam Pomfrey  and she told me that I am free to go but not to go to class she said the best things were to get rest or to walk around, I choose to walk around  I bumped into someone in hall I look up to see who it was. he looked like Ron but a year older honestly I think he is really cute

Another Malfoy?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora