why are you here

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Becca's pov
George if you are asking me to marry you you can just ask you know the answer anyway "fine, Rebecca Bellatrix Malfoy will you marry me" George said I smiled and simply said "yes" he smiled and got up we were about to kiss when I heard something off in the distance I looked back at my family and said " get inside now there is enough time to make it look like you all are in bed sleeping I will deal with this" my uncle and Molly understood and where getting everyone inside George just stood there "I am not leaving you" I looked at him my eyes were already blood red "yes you are go now I will be fine you can watch from the window just don't get caught now go"  Fred pulled him inside before he could say a word they were inside all safe when the figure walked up to me "what do you want aunt Bellatrix"  my eyes were changing oh no I know what color too emerald green which is bad  I fought with her until she was hurt enough and she left my eyes were the same color I walked inside my family came down stairs don't know what happened but I fell and passed out.

George's pov
Her eyes are emerald green such a beautiful color but what does it mean I was lost in thought and she passed out  I ran to her picked her up she is very light layed her on the couch snape and mum are running around making something I don't know what but I know I am not leaving her side.

Snape's pov
Oh no she used all her energy to protect us this isn't good Molly and I started making a position for her and Ginny and Hermione started healing her getting her energy up enough to be awake and aware of what is happening we made the others got to bed but the twins stayed there  at her side we finished the position but she wasn't awake crud um what to  do I helped Ginny and Hermione soon Molly and the twins joined in she finally woke  up thank Merlin I made her drink the position even though she said it was gross honestly it smelt gross too but she got her energy back but not her strength so the twins took her up stairs and put her to  bed I sat on the couch with my face in my hands.

Molly's pov
Whatever just happened is over but something was bothering Severus  "Severus what is wrong?"
"She almost died because she wanted to protect us but instead of our magic she used her own which has almost taken her away from us before I don't want to lose her she is the only one that makes me happy since Lily is gone" I felt part of my heart brake "we will find way to keep her powers undercontrol I swear it why don't we go to bed and figure it out tomorrow they can all go to the beach and we can start thinking".  He slightly smiled and went to bed after a  while I did too I wonder how we can keep her powers under control. 

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