these dreams won't stop

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Becca's pov
(Ron is slowly starting to care about her)
Haven't slept in two weeks  until last night I guess I fell asleep I wish I didn't though stupid bad dreams ugh I hate them know that I think about it the only one that knows is Dobby I feel bad for not telling the rest of my family I guess at some point while I was sleeping the scar my father gave me was carved again it's wasn't bleeding bad so I walked down stairs as soon as I hit the last four steps I got dizzy and the world around me became dark.... What is happening.

Fred's pov

Me and George where talking like always when we heard something or someone fall we followed the rest of the family to see what happened
"Dear Merlin" was all I could say when I saw becca laying on the floor and the blood that was around her arm snape pulled up her pajama shirt's  sleeve up  I felt sick to my stomach and the rest of us did too I am sure the words that were already there on her arm were bleeding I felt like crying almost did too  she is pretty much my little sister I hate seeing her hurt.

Molly's pov
We all healed her and are taking turns watching her right now it both Fred and George's turn I don't understand what happened or how it could have happened I checked on her before I fell asleep and she was asleep and nothing would wake her up I don't understand just like I don't understand why her hair changed.

Snape's pov
I guess I have no choice but to tell everyone else about her powers or how she likes to call it a curse.... This is not going to be easy.

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