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We were in class as always I sat with the twins  I might not have been in their year before but I'm now they moved me up to the twins year because I was deemed to smart to be the year I actually am I am not complaining at all until now when we were told that we were going to see our worst fears and concern them I was too  busy  over thinking to see or hear what everyone elses fears were until I heard my name I walked up like everyone else and I saw it my worst fear I didn't know what to do I stood there petrified I heard the professor telling the twins not to touch me and to back away then I was asked what I saw even though everyone could see it I couldn't bring myself to say it but then I did "I-i see m-me fire everywhere.. People dead p-people that I care about..." I looked around and I saw the twins but they weren't the same they were died, my breathing changed it was hard to breathe I started getting dizzy everything started to go black like the darkness that little kids fear that are what is in the darkness I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and someone hugging me telling me every thing was ok that it was not real slowly my breathing went back I could see clearly now too I saw Fred with his hands on my shoulders, George hugging me tightly and my uncle who was still telling me that everything was ok and was petting  my hair to also calm me down the twins took me to their common room I was the only slytherin aloud in the Gryffindor house but that is a story for a different day we sat on the couch both hugging me and I feel asleep and I saw what I saw earlier and jumped awake and started crying the twins calmed me down and we feel asleep again. I am so glad I have them I don't know what I will do without them I love them too but one in a brotherly and sisterly way the other in a couple way but both still have my love and a special place in my heart that no one can take

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