maybe things will be better if I am not around

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Becca's point of view
Everyone was doing something the twins are at work at the shop and the rest are at their jobs all except Percy he had today off to help his brothers Bill and Charle watch me that is not working so well considering I am on the room of the burrow and their looking for me I can hear them  I am staying quite I hear the door open and they spit up to look for me once their out of ear shot of noise I grab George's broom and fly away

*hours later*
Fred's point of view
We came home happy to see our friend well my friend George's girl but when we got there her owl is  there with a note which is weird I opened the note it read." Molly,Arthur,Bill,Charlie,Percy,Fred,George,Ginny,Hermione and Harry, I am sorry I really am I don't want to be the reason why everyone hates each other I can't help but feel like everything is my fault by the time you get this you will be home worried I am sorry for making you worry  and I will be gone don't bother looking for me because you won't find me George I am sorry I took your broom. I love you guys thank you for being there ~love becca" after I read that I was sobbing my friend is gone and might not return soon the note was ripped out of my hands everyone else was crying I went looking for her
Becca' s point of view
I layed George's broom on the ground and took off the braclet Ginny gave me left it next to the broom held on too the necklace that has a picture of me Fred and George and jumped in the the black lake I sunk a bit still am I stopped breathing 

Fred's point of view
Me and George took the car to Hogwarts to see if she was there we parked next to the black lake George got out and ran he saw her braclet the Ginny gave her she never takes it off once I was by his side we both jumped in the lake to find her we did she looked lifeless we took her back up I saw she is holding her necklace that has us in it she was not breathing we started to heal her and got her to breath again well she started breathing but won't wake up  we put the braclet  on and take the broom and her in the car to go home

(A.n I was depressed when I wrote this sorry

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