Act 1 Scene 8

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Mithren, 6:23 AM,
1st November 1232

It is for the first time one can see the state of Mithren so vulnerable. Just like a baby sparrow falls from her nest, a single tear glistening on her spectacled eye, Mithren had lost her nest-her support. Mithren had lost her people just like that sparrow had lost her family. The only difference was that the people unlike the sparrow hadn't given cries of anguish or even said a single word.

You can see dead bodies everywhere you look. Houses are broken, ragged and decayed pieces of wood spring up from the earthen floor. The people don't cry, for they know that life has to go on. You can see an old lady's face on the ground marred with suffering. All of a sudden, the dark of the night-a blushing purple - was replaced with the Dawn of the rising sun. Destruction and death may have swarmed the town like a bad case of bees but the soft banter of the people showed something beautiful.

Miss Plumcake: how quiet this day seems, maybe as in the morrow, never shalt we see the witching wise of witching hour

Pandora: This destruction has awoken greater chaos~ we must'nt expect mercy at the hands of the green handed

In the corner of the scene, we see two hooded figures hiding incase anyone would notice them.

Unknown figure 1:  (whispering) psst.. Theorea! What hath we done? This new Dawn doth not enlighten our darkness yet the beastly multitudes hath received everything! Why Hades! Why hath thee done that.

Hooded Theorea: Agreed Coven Queen but hark! The footsteps can be heard of a prodigal child - it must be a son of adam or a daughter of eve.

Miss Plumcake and Pandora stand, behind whom the rest of the public looks on.

Pandora : After one great misfortune, another must'nt come. We plead thee, let the strings of harmony keep us tighter than the ropes of treachery which hath undone these past years.

Mazara (pulling of the coat hood) : We sigh and sulk but peace is but a necessity. Farewell treachery welcome trust.

Miss Plumcake : I always knew something good would happen, eventually as time is all we hath. Now, anywho want a pie dearie?

The End

:) Yashh

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