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Wandering the cold and dark streets of London in the hopes of finding a desperate rich man who'd be interested in my sweet lil ass was a daily thing for me. I have been doing this for years now so don't even try selling me your pity, I can't be arsed with it. The more men I can get the better. It just means more booze and drugs for me baby.

If you want real depressing backstory why I'm such a fuck up, I've got you covered. My parents, or more like the piece of shits who whacked me around my entire childhood until I was pulled out by the child protective services at the age of 6, who also were bunch of dicks may I add so my life didnt change to any better.

Ten years of getting tossed around like a bloody football around England in the search of a family that could handle me. There were countless of them but they all were sick of me in under a week. Best one was around 6 hours maybe. In the end they just gave up on me and the twat I was so I was put in to an institution for troubled teens. Which you might guess, I escaped from at the age of 16.

As a fairly young kid with no proper education or good grades, looking for a job was nearly impossible. I slept on the streets for months and kept myself alive by stealing food from supermarkets. Like Aladdin, except he at least had a home and a pet monkey. I had neither.

My life genuinely had no path to go or even a meaning frankly. I mean I could have just easily tossed myself into the river Thames and no one could have given a flying fuck, neither would've I. That was until I met Dom. He was one intimidating motherfucker. There isn't really a way to describe him other than a hot piece of ass who could rip you in two in a blink of an eye. In one or another way (insert a winkey face here).

But besides that, Dom was the one who pulled me out of the streets. Well in a way... by putting me back out there to hustle my ass. Honestly I didn't mind it, these days I fucking loved it. I get money and attention, what more could anyone need?

Plus Dom gave me a place to stay. Sure it was the size of a closet (oh the irony) and I had to share the flat with two other dudes but it was better than the streets.

Anyway, that's that. I don't know what else to tell you.

I am the definition of FUCKED.

Chains (BoyxMan/BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now