Chapter Four

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Kenna woke to a banging on her cabin door. She sat up groggily rubbing her eyes and mumbled.

"Whattimeisit?" All in one word. Stumbling across the floor she opened the door, only to find Hark, the first mate, standing there with a small platter of food. A few slices of bread, and some fruit. Her eyes widen as she snatched the tray out of his hands. This was more food than she had all week! Hark's grey eyes watched her intensely as she devoured the food like no one had ever done before, least not in his presence, and well, it made him uncomfortable. As she finished, Kenna looked up at Hark, her eyes gleaming and she was full, for the first time in forever.
"You? What could you possibly Want?" Her eyes rolled at the sight of him.

"Um, Captain wants you to head down to where the weapons are and polish those, then head up to his cabin for another lesson." He turned around, his hair bouncing with his steps and walked away swiftly as Kenna put her belt on and made sure her sword was attached before pulling her boots on and lacing up her corset. Then she stumbled out and the sun greeted her by blinding her. Down the steep stairs and around the corner to the  large room where all the weapons were kept. She reached for the locked door, and not to her surprise, it was unlocked, probably by Grimm. She walked in the door and found a pail of water and wetstone waiting for her by the door. Great.  She picked the pail up and walked to the back of the room where she set it down and began her long day work.

Her eyes grew weary and heavy around hour three of sharpening those damn blades. Maybe if I just close my eyes for a bit........get some rest, then I'll come back and finish it all...... Her eyes closed finally and her hand dropped the whetstone on the floor with a clatter. Her mind took her to another world that she had created in her head, a way to escape the cold miserable reality that she had to face on those streets back on Tera.


"Kenna!" Her mother's sweet voice called from a distance. Kenna stood up and looked around desperately for her mother, but she couldn't see her anywhere.  Her heart pounded as she heard that voice for the first time in forever. It had seem ages since the last time she had heard it.

"Mama!" She called and raced around the dark area blindly, stumbling over something that she couldn't see. Kenna fell on her face, she got back up quickly. A soft glow came from the corner and Kenna turned to look at it. Her mother's face was basked in the candles light, a smile that was brighter than the light itself, was spread across the face.  The beautiful brown hair cascaded down her back, and the women's green eyes were just like her daughters. Kenna found herself a young girl once again, needing her mother. The young girl raced to her mother and crumpled at her feet.

"Mama......I miss you."She hugged her mothers feet and tears slipped from those emeralds in her eyes, falling onto her mothers white dress. The woman stroked her daughters silver hair and started to sing a soft melody, a lullaby.

"Don't cry little one now, soon the moon will rise again,

Close your eyes and let the slumber fall,

Dreams will come and fill your sleep,

Listen to my words and dream,

Sun will come and soon you'll wake."

Kenna's head fell into her mother's lap and there she slept.

She woke to the pail clanging to the ground and she jumped up. Quickly she rushed to finish the metal filled room. It took her six hours to finally complete the whole room and by the time she was done, it probably was too later for her lesson with Grimm.

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