Chapter 12

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"You ruined my shirt." She grumbled as she pushed him off of her, he just laughed and tossed her the knife.
"I'm sure you can afford a new one, after all I have heard about you and your kills. You never fail and you must charge a hefty fee for murder." Araxia slide the blade into her boot and hopped back up onto the table where Cal walked over to.
"No one can know it was I who ended your fathers life, understand? Or you'll be next."  Her voice was sharp and wary, as the newly made king pulled out a knife of his own and held the cold metal against her pale throat.
"Threatening a king?" He purred, just enough to make her stiffen.
"I could have you killed for that." The blade cut a bit into her neck and she winced as a thin line of red appeared.
"However you did do me a favor. So I suppose I'll let you live. But don't ever threaten me again least you want another line in your pretty little neck. " Calindoors grin stirred something in her, almost like she liked him being in control of her.
"But I like being in control of you Thorn. I'll make you a deal. Work for me as my assassin and no one will ever know who you truly are, your identity will remain a secret. Do we have a deal?" He held out his hand and she eyed it for a moment before placing her hand in his. His fingers wrapped around hers and they shook.
"Very well, but I don't want to regret this. " His hand pulled her closer as he whispered in her ear.
"I can promise you that you will not regret this choice."  She pulled away with a look of shock on her face, one also plastered with interest.
"Now leave me Sera, I have work to be done. Thank you for your help." He flicked his hands and she left his tent, heading back to the healers where work most definitely awaited her. The main healer did indeed keep her busy with work as she learned how to clean a wound, properly attend to it and dress it correctly so that it wouldn't re open and infect again. In all of her years of training as an assassin, she had always learned to hurt and harm people, but never learned to heal and help. This was all very new and surprisingly she liked it. Maybe she could do both? Harm the ones who deserved it but heal those who did not? Araxia's eyes glanced to Cal as he walked by it supervise the building if a few houses for living. He caught her eyes and bowed his head slightly to acknowledge her, she turned away, pretending not to notice that stupid grin of his.  He could charm the pants off any women he wants, so why go after her? The one women who didn't wasn't want him......did she? 

No, this was not going to happen.

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