Chapter Nine

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     It was night, easy to slip into a heavily guarded palace. The black cloak on her back made her part of the shadows and no one would notice a shadow. Her task was simple- Kill the King. He was a treacherous old goat who denied a request for troops in the southern hemisphere, a kingdom under attack. When he denied, he lost the respect of the whole southern part, the people and practically everyone. The Capital was Harrek, meaning he ruled over everyone, and when the whole town asks you to kill someone for the better of the people, then it's probably a good idea. Plus she was the best assassin, and every one knew that. The name Araxia Thorn was a well known one, and a deadly one too. If Araxia was coming after you, then you were a dead man. Her fingers picked the locks on the window with the hairpins she had brought, and she slipped in without a noise.

Araxia's hood stayed on as she crept through the castle halls, lurking in the darkness. A few guards walked past her, murmuring about the prince and his new horse that was as stubborn as he is. The prince, young in his twenties, was spoiled rotten and everyone knew that. His golden curls and blue eyes made his seem desirable to every maiden who saw him. But as soon as they got to know him they all ran away, never looking back. Of course it made Araxia was  curious enough to see this so called "Dreamy" boy, and now would be a good time. Might as well since she was in the castle already.She looked through the halls and finally found his room. She knew it was his because of the silver engravings on the oak door. Nice.

She picked the lock and took a peek inside. There he was, laying on a red bed, huge and royal enough for a prince. There were gold statues holding up the canopy and they were women, dressed like goddesses. Each one was life sized and probably weighed a ton.The Prince lay under the red silk covers which probably cost a fortune, sleeping like a newborn babe. He did indeed have golden curls that rolled down his face, and framed it quite nicely. She could see why the girls went crazy when they laid eyes on him. His piercing blue eyes opened and she froze, thank god her hood was on. The prince rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up as she backed away a few steps and waited for his anticipated cry for help. But it didn't come at all, which suprised her.

"Who are you?" he said, his voice very sleepily and tugged at his messy hair which was tousled in his sleep, probably by his silk pillow.

"El-laria. " She quickly fixed her mistake by using a false name to cover her identity and he smiled.

"What are you doing in my room Ellaria? And dressed like that ?" He pushed the cover and swung his legs over the side of the bed and he stood up.

"None of your busniess." She leaned on one of the golden women statues on the far side of his bed.

"I'm Cal by the way." He held out his hand and she pushed ti away.

"I know're the prince." He looked shocked that she called him that, he was royalty and all. She started to walk away but he spoke again, making her stop in her tracks.

"You didn't tell me why you were here." His voice sounded more awake and serious now. She turned to him and her eyes glimmered in the moonlight as she spoke. They looked like the stars and the moon. Possibly the most fierce eyes he had ever seen, am alluring sense about her.

"Aren't you scared of me boy?  Most are. They see me coming they're way and they run in fear of my knives or my blades. They can smell the blood on me from my last kill, and that really scares them." She smiled a malicious grin, hoping it would work on him, but he just stood there, calmly, a smile tugged on his lips.

"No. I am not. But then again I am unlike most men." The way he said men, sharp and powerful made her think about the others. Araxia took a deep breath before opening her eyes again and looking directly at the prince. Her voice was deadly cold as she spoke.

"I'm here to kill your father."

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