Chapter 13

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The Shadow Queen finally docked at the Sapphire Isles, a wonderful island that was rumored to have healing pools covered with crystals. Kenna had never been, considering how she'd been struck on the island of Tera, and the AT was quite some distance from these isles. Grimm kept her busy enough so that she wouldn't wander off and get lost, but he did promise her that she would go ashore with them, once the landing part had been decided. Kenna and Hark, of course, and a few other men were selected to go.
"Be careful men, do not take anything you do not pay for. Lord Cirdan has a temper if anyone disturbs the nature of his little island, and I don't intend in find new crew members this year. Understand?" The men nodded and Kenna remained silent. Pick pocketing was her thing, she liked to steal little trinkets. The landing party walked off the boat and onto the docks where they were treated by the most beautiful Bazaar that Kenna had ever seen. It wasn't like the one at home, which was shabby and falling apart, no this one was full of bright color, exotic animals and wonderful smells and people. Her eyes could hardly take the sight of it as Grimm lead them through the tight weave of people that were crowding it that day.
"Kenna, I want you to go find new clothes and a few other things whilst the men and I take care of this deal, but stay here. Understand?" Grimm handed her her sack of money and she nodded.
"Thank you." She ducked under a camel and started looking immediately for anything that caught her eyes.  The first tent was bright blue with green stripes and a brown stand and it was selling corsets, but very spectacular ones. They were beautifully made, with gold and silver and bronze. 
"How may I help you miss?" A heavily accented women said and Kenna looked at the lady of the tent. She was gorgeous, a dark brown color, which was complimented by the red dress she wore, and  the most intriguing blue eyes that had been seen. 
"Oh um hello, I am looking fir a corset to replace this one. " she motioned to the one she was one, it hardly stayed together anymore. The women's eyes lot up and she rummaged around back for a bit before pulling out a beautiful brown one, whorls of a darker brown filling the fabric, golden hinges that looked like pistol triggers and clasps on the side of it to complete it all. Kenna dared to breath as she asked how much this work of art was.
"Five gold pieces." The women said with a smile. How could this be that little? Kenna handed over the five pieces and the women tugged her old ragged one off. Then her new one was slid onto her body like a dream, it fit so perfectly.

The next tent was a bloody red one and it was selling shirts and jackets and vests. Kenna picked out a creamy white one that felt like it was made from clouds. Divinely soft. She paid for it and was about to head back to the boat when something caught her eyes, a light bouncing off a shimmering pool. Hmm what might these be? Her feet lead her away from the market and into a hidden path, leading far away from the safety of the docks and The Shadow Queen and Grimm. But what she saw was worth it completely. Shimmering blue water that cascaded down a hill of blue rocks. Sapphires! These were the healing pools that Grimm had talked about! Oh they were magnificent, the water looked so inviting and warm, such hypnotizing beauty.

"Hey! You aren't suppose to be back here!" A raspy voice screeched at her and grabbed her arm. Kenna gasped and tried to pull out of his grasp but it was to no use, he held her firmly and dragged her to the palace.
"Let her go, she meant no harm. Quite a curious little cat aren't you?" A male voice said quietly. Kenna looked up and realized the eyes she was staring at belonged to no one other than The Lord Cirdan himself.   He smiled and motioned to the guard to let her go.
"I'm not a cat, I'm a girl.... and I didn't mean to trespass, I was just curious. Sorry." Lied Cirdan ushered the guards away and he walked with her along the flowery trail.
"You are alright, you aren't the first to be hypnotized by my pools wonder. Now am I correct in saying you are with Captain Grimm? He is right here." He pointed to Grimm, who did not look happy at all to see his ward with the lord whom he intended to trade with. Kenna waved at smiled meekly. Jasper coughed down a laugh and raised an eyebrow st her.

"Try and stay in the bazaar huh? I see you failed that. Ah well, introductions then." Grimm coughed and stood up firmly. 
"Lord Cirdan, may I present my ward, Kenna Scarlet."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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