Chapter Five

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Kenna didn't want to think about the dream she had, her mother was gone and she knew it. Any thought of her made her sad. The girl closed the door and headed up to the captains room where she found Grimm standing if front of his desk, with his hands behimd his back and a smug look on hus face. Kenna raised an eyebrow as he stepped awswide to reveal five vials on his desk, all lined up in a row.

"I want you to tell me what these are, but do not taste them or digest them." Kenna walked forward and picked up the first bottle. It had a distinct smell that was sharp and made her eyes burn.

"Belladonna?" She put the vial down as Grimm nodded. On to the next one, A purple powder, with a hint of green.

"Foxgloves." A pale liquid with no smell.

"Oleander" A juice froma red berry.

"Nightshade" And the last one she didn't know. A small bottle containing a purple leaf.

"Wolfsbane." Grimms gruff voice said in her stead, She swirled the leaf around in the bottle.

"Not deadly for humans, but painful for sure. "

He handed her a small kit and she opened it. Inside was a variety of vials, powders, bottles and berries. Her eyes found his as she wondered What On Tera she could possibly use these for.

"Know these, learn these, use these. Everyone on my crew knows their poisons by the smell, color and by what they do to others. Here is a list of the one in your kit, figure out which ones are more deadly and which ones can kill." He smiled at Kenna as she closed the box and took the fine printed list.

"Then tomorrow we will see how well you know these by testing them on a man who tried to kill me. The punishment for trying to kill the captain is death, always death. Do you understand?" Kenna nodded hastily, before asking a few question.

"He tried to kill you? Why did he do that?" Her curiousity was getting the better of her and she didn't care anymore. Grimm looked up at her and leaned up against his desk as he spoke grimly.

"Because believe it or not, people hate me. It probably because we ARE pirates, we DO plunder and rob and loot, but we must make our way in the world some how, and this is the way I chose to live. It works doesn't it? I'm rich, I have a ship, and people fear me enough to stay away from me, or in this case, TRY to kill me." More questions arose in her mind and she blurted them out.

"Why are you training me? Why are you telling me things like this?" He didn't answer her question, but simple went on talking.

"Since he failed to kill me, his death shall be painless. Figure out which poison kills quickly and then make your selection. Here is a book on the herbs that you have now. I expect you to read this tonight. Get this test right and you don't have to swab the deck tomorrow. I'll have Graves do it." She took the grey covered book and her fingers slowly traced the faded words on the cover.

Poisonous Plants and Uses

"You still didn't tell me why you are teaching me these things......." Her voicce was strong and confident. Grimm stopped and turned aroud to face her.

"I see potential in you, more than my other crew, you remind me of a young version of myself. Except the fact that you are indeed a female, but the same recklessness, and curiosity. You wanted to get out of the mess you were in and I offered you a chance. Curiosity made you take it, same thing I would have done. " He walked past her and out onto the deck.

"Turn the ship to Starboard!" She heard him call and felt the boat move to his command. Her hands touched the feathers on his red hat that lay on his des alongside a few maps of where they were headed. Kenna looked to see if Grimm was still on deck before going behind the desk and taking a look at the route they were on. Her eyes widened as she saw their destination. The Sapphire Isles. Home to the healing pools of pure sapphire. It was said the pools had a surronding of crystals and sapphires, and the pools waters were as blue as the gems themselves, make the water look beautiful. The legend said that the pools could heal any wound or illness, or even bring back death. It was a story her mother would tell her to go to bed at night when she was younger. But it was hidden, guarded by secrets and tunnels and caves. No one had found the pools yet and if Grimm was the first, then he would be a legend. As would his crew.......and her.

"I see you've found our destination. Curiosity indeed." Hark leaned up against the door frame with a piercing look in his eyes. She whirled around at the sound of his voice and she nearly knocked a bottle off the desk. So he had been listening wehm Grimm and her had been talking. How rude.

"It was just there. If he didn't want me to see then he shouldn't have left it in plain sight. And next time why not just come in and join in on the converstaion instead of putting your ear up against the door." She marched past Hark with her poisons and book and went straight down to her little cabin to study and begin her training on poisons. He watched her leave, a smirk on his face. She was fun to aggravate. 

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