Chapter 15

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I realized I had lost sight of my mission. I was here to kill Peter Pan, not make friends and get distracted. If I did this I could go back home, my family would accept me again. If I did succeed and went back home it'd either be really weird or really great. But I don't know if I could actually kill someone, I'd be taking away someone's life. But then again what have my parents ever done for me? They promised to help me and be there for me and the moment something went wrong they threw me out. If the evil queen wanted him dead she'd have to do it herself.

I did the spell to try and figure out why Y/N was so familiar to me and why I said that she was mine. I don't know what came over me. Maybe this spell will help me figure it out. I drank the potion and started to feel sick. Suddenly I saw a whole bunch of different images. They looked like memories of a different life. I could see Y/N running to someone. They turned around and I was shocked to see it was me. Many more images followed after that. Some of them were of us smiling, kissing or fighting. The last one was interesting. Y/N was falling into a portal and I tried to grab her hand before it closed but I was too late. I swore and punched the ground swearing that no matter what it took I would find her.

I know there's one person who could help me figure this out for the right price he'll do anything.


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