Chapter 16

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I found Rumplestiltskin and he asked for water from the waterfall on Neverland in exchange for the information he'd give me. Once I gave him the water he started to speak. "You see dearie you and the girl have fallen in love many many times through different lives. Each time you find her and fall in love she dies or you lose her. Either way she's gone. There was a curse placed on the two of you by an old witch." As if he could tell what I was thinking he said not to go looking because she was long gone and hadn't been seen for years. "How do I stop the curse?" I asked. He smiled showing his yellowed teeth and said "Bring me a lock of the girls hair and you'll get what you want." After that I left trying to figure out how to get a lock of her hair. Does Y/N know about the past lives? If she's aware does she love me in this life?

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