o n e : i'm living in such sweet nothing

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Hello dear readers, this is officially the first chapter, the story shall be written in 1st POV because let's face it, when the shit hits the fan in first POV it's like getting the front row seat with the popcorn

So far I have had a lot of supporting comments and votes (if you call 100+ a lot, I do ;P)

Enjoy the story.

OHHH, And I apologize, it took a awfully long time for me to update this chapter. I hope you like it, boo.

Chapter 1: I'm living in such sweet nothing

It was a stuning day today, as beautiful as it ever gets in Winter. Dark and wet, whistling wind so sharp it stung the sensible skin of her lips. Angry dark clouds swirled and breathed in as much icy air as they could and bumbed into eachother relentlessly.

Then there was the ground, wet and blinding white. Snow covered every inch it could reach, it was as if it had slipped off the angry clouds and dived towards our dying earth.

The trees, limbs wet and naked, were fancilly dressed in fluffy white coats, and still they shivered. And in the mists of the greys and white was a blonde girl with a black coat, pale and unsmiling; her face was set in ice. Her bright greyish green eyes were a beautiful contrast to the cold background, they were glued to a red leather notebook a boy had given to her. What a stupidboy he had been...

Next to the book was an iPhone,screen remaining blank, she only just had it back and the ancient urge to reach out and drown in Tumblr quotes didn't overwhelm the want to open this book.

Should she?

Why didn't she?

Why shouldn't she?

With a sigh, she opened it and her gaze met the sight of blank pages, all blank except for an inscription in a familiar messy handwritting. She ran her fingers through the words in wonder. The corners of her lips swooped up-

Winter, you are bloody infuriating enigma. With you, it's like seing the world for the first time and even though it's never a pretty sight, you made me the greys seem colourful.

From the first day I met you, (not that time where you clumsily charged into me) you were drunk on caffeine and on the black inked words blotching the pages of that book that seemed to reel you into it's pages.

You must be wondering why I gave you a book with empty pages when you I could give any other book in the world with so much more meaning.

You have lived folded in between the pages of books and blank pixels. You don't judge people, even the ones who have done you harm, but if you did come to the point when you judged them, you didn't judge them on the things they did but why they did it and if it was trully their intention to harm you. You always looked the in-betweens. You were always open minded.

I want you to writte a book. Don't focus on writing about your character's actions, choices and events. Focus on how they picture the world, on how they see it, because that's what matters.

Get off that phone and live a little babe.


The ice shattered as her face broke out in a radiant smile, she grabbed a pen and did just that. She wrote.

1 Summer+ 1 Autumn+1 Week Before

I was a really flawed human being, I was lazy, I was bitchy, mean, cold and withdrawn. I had come in terms that I wouldn't be able to please the world, but then again it was so much easier to piss the world off then to please it.

#Hashtag [on  h o l d]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora