f i v e; Adventures

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I was basking in comfortable warmth, the kind of warm that wrapped around you and whispered soft words in your ear, the kind that seeped into your skin, muscles and bones and turned into liquid bliss. The kind of warmth that came with safety and comfort, as well as blurred the lines between the real and the fake.

A refined, gentle smell graced my nostrils, hint of male cologne and woodsy scent had me sighting in contentment. I nuzzled onto my pillow, which was hard and smooth under my palm, and radiated a delicious warmth. Under my palm, I felt a rhythm; slow paced but steady, like the heartbeat of a lion.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry." A husky groan sounded near me.

I knew the world had officially ended when my pillow sat up all of a sudden. My eyes flew opened in realization and I nearly fell off Adrians lap. His hands darted out, enveloping my wrist and tugging me towards him. For the second time in my rather short lifetime, I wanted to hide my face in the crook of Adrian's neck and never look up to face the embarrassment of drooling on his shirt; as well as barging onto him while he was robbing a coffee shop, blackmail him into making me a hot chocolate, not to mention that he had to carry me back to god knows well. But the entire décor did spelled out 'rich bastards'. (I was careful to exclude the rather alarming fact that he undressed me. * queue the swooning *)

Soft, gentle fingers captured my shin and tilted my head up; for a Nano second, I forgot to breathe. He looked like someone had blurred all the sharp edges in his face. He no longer looked intimidating, but extremely relaxed. He flashed me a brilliant smile, eerily cheery, face inches from mine.

"Don't you look jubilant today." I remarked, slightly breathless. His smile broadened, adorable smile crinkles creasing his skin, and I wanted to imprint every sensual curve of his lips into my memory. His smile was particularly spectacular, something couldn't quite fathom into words. The magic of seeing a sad man smile; someone who rarely smiled were more likely to have the most breathtaking smiles.

"Any guy who would wake up to a beautiful girl straddling his lap would be jubilant, princess." Like a moronic hormonal girl, I inwardly swooned as he labeled me beautiful. But that was before I registered the position we were in. I quickly scrambled off his lap, a blush blossoming on my cheeks at an alarming rate.

"Why have we fallen in slumber at such convenient proximity?" I questioned, cheeks flaming, I was battling to regain control of my emotions and demeanor, and I had no idea why I was suddenly flustered or so girlish. He crossed his arm over his chest, looking as if he was about to enjoy himself.

" Do you really want me to recount every single detail of how you intertwined our fingers and pulled me to you and refused to let go once I set you on the couch with every intention to go back to my room." He cocked his eyebrow towards me, daring me to protest. I had reached that full body blush stage and he seemed to enjoy watching me squirm, every second of it.

I was awfully ashamed to have been the guilty party for this light affair and on the other hand, Adrian looked content and haughty. I toyed with the worn bracelets on my wrist and fixed my gaze on my bare feet, only just realizing that I was wearing a very comfortable fatigued sweater that reached mid thigh. He had left my under garments intact, thank the lords.

"You're lying, I had hypothermia, and body to body warmth is the perfect remedy." I exclaimed, he want on as if he didn't hear me. I hinted a tiny blush blossoming discreetly on his cheek.

"I won't tell anyone, princess." He said mischievously, my eyebrow lifted as I eyed him skeptically. "But who would've known that the Ice queen was such a warm cuddler."

"I am not a warm cuddler." I aspired to sound cool and hostile, but it came out as a girlish whine I hadn't known was in me. I dropped my weight on the couch and shoved him playfully. It seemed that whatever thought had crossed his mind hardened his face instantly. I tensed, frowning and shuffling back, feeling vigilant.

"Why aren't you being a bitch or dissing me right now?"

I was taken aback and my fists clenched subconsciously. "I beg you pardon?"

"You know, you claim to be completely unfazed by the world that surrounds you and desire to appear cool, collected and calm and I'll admit you are exceptionally convincing but-"

"What is your point exactly?" I demanded, a sense of foreshadowing clouding my mind. Whatever he was going to say next, it was going to hit a little too close to home then I would like.

"My point is that you are way more then meets the eye, you used to be the motherfucking queen bee who pushed girls into lockers, seduce your way into what you wanted and all of a sudden you not only become just a bitch, but a cold hearted one who isolates herself, who-" He thundered, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.

"Who what?" I hissed, shocked by how things had gotten from hot to cold so quickly. "You don't know anything! And why would you even care, we have never spoken until now!" I stood up brusquely, and so did he, except he looked brutally intimidating.

"What are you going to do during the holidays? Tap your days away onto that device of yours?"

"Oh so now we are talking holiday plans huh?" I exclaimed sarcastically. He stilled, some of his anger dissipated magically, and I sighed in frustration. Bipolar freak.

"What? You want to spend your holiday with me?" I mocked.

"Why don't we?" He retorted, it took me a few seconds to register what he said.

"You must be joking."

"What if I'm not?" he replied viciously. He had that infamous challenging glint in his eyes and I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"The hell with it! What do you want to do? Bake marshmallows, count stars and kiss under the moonlight perhaps?"

He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes. Ten Mississippi's later he opened them again, and I threw him a questioning look.

"You okay there buddy?" I scoffed and I felt as if he was on the verge of choking me.

"Think about it princess." He visibly softened after a few moment, and I felt his whole attitude change considerably.

"Think about what?" I asked, softer. He took a step closer to me, a wicked glint in his eyes.

"You are the so called Ice Queen and I am the so called Bad boy, we're perfect." He cupped my face in his hands, the corners of his lips reaching up to flick that switch that made my heart beat so wildly against my chest. "So take my hand princess, let's be bad to everybody's who's ever been bad to us."

"That is pretty ironic seeing how we have tortured quite a few souls."

"Who cares?" He shrugged. "Are you in?"

"Do I have a choice?"


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This is a small, cute, kinda weird chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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