t w o: like snow

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Chapter 2: Like Snow

Welcome to the 2nd chapter of #Hashtag, I do appreciate all the kick ass comments that made my day, I feel so effing honoured you know? I am going to stop rambling and get on with the chapter. I dedicate this to obsucurity_ because her story made me cry, go check it out if you want to tear up a little.

{Another side note. There may be some confusion after this following chapter and I am profoundly sorry for that, type a meaningful and polite comment explaining what you may not get and I'll get back to you as soon as I can but in the mean time, to get a few things clear;

[[This has a lot of plot holes and is UNEDITED]]


My heart was an uncontrollable machine pumping blood throughout my body, it's repetitively loud and uneven thumping is a constant reminder to keep breathing. To keep on moving. To keep living. My thoughts are running wild again, rushing and tumbling over one another, in perfect sync with the panic surging within me.

The rarely-used-dust-coated home phone was releasing what most would consider a musical ringtone. To my slightly retarded ears, it was the equivalent to a nuclear alarm that surely signalled my inevitable doom.

It's been four slow days since the lovely Miss Thorne has graciously kicked me out of her class, a wicked smile on her thin lips and a satisfied glow in her witch like eyes. In just four days, my useless brain had managed to forget that threat.

I was, without a doubt, a wretched idiot. Daughter of a wretched idiot. An heartless CEO also known as my father, who owned a chain of luxurious hotels in which the rich, the greedy and the powerful drank champagne out of vodka glasses, my father could've been the spawn of Satan. The devil had crowned me his prey and I had upgrded from 'wretched idiot' to a 'doomed idiot'.

My father was a cool, collected and now grieving asshole ever since my mother's last breath parted her lips. If I was a so called ice queen in everybody's eyes, then my father was the Ice King. My father had always everything in control, was perfectly collected and poised and showed no emotions besides wicked interest or boredom. Mostly the latter. The only thing he had no control over was his intense and passionate love for my mother.

She was his polar opposite, she was all smiles and warmth while he was cold and constantly scowling. His eyes only ever softening when he lay eyes on my mother. She was a prima dona socialite, making friends with just about anybody, she managed to find light and warmth in the darkest and coldest places.

She was addictive, and not to just my father. She had acquired a long list of suitors and a enormous variety of friends. She had those deep soulful brown eyes that urged you to pour your heart out and tell your darkest sins. My mother was the kind of person who was worth suffering for. She was perfect in every shape and form. That glow that came from within shone just as brightly on the outside.

She somehow found something in him that she hadn't found in anybody else and somehow, they fell in love, fire and ice clashing into something oddly beautiful. In someway they completed eachother, their personalities were contradictory.

It was only natural for him to break down the way he did when catastrophe struck and a man with a black cloak and a bony smile whisked her soft and warm soul away.

My mother wasn't perfect in the end. She was sick.

In more ways then one I was like my father, I was as equally pathetic and broken as he was, but unlike him, I had continued to live for her. That was what my thirteen year old self had silently sworn determined.

I remember that day her chest heaved up heavily one last time, lungs struggling to get one last shot of oxygen. Hours before she had been pale but smiling. I remember squeezing her icy hands, it felt strange, to touch the sun in my life and feeling ice freeze my cells. It was absolutly eerie and strangely fascinating as well as heartbreaking to see her chest sucking deep gulps of oxygen and seem unsatisfied by it. Everytime the spaces between each breath begame distant and when you thought;

This is it,

She's gone,

That's it.

Her chest lifted quickly and desperately, one last attempt to taste the air around it, remembering that smell hospitals have, the tangy flavor at the tip of her tongue from that previous meal. That last meal.




Not enough air, never enough. Because soon after, her chest dropped and the monitor which had been beeping alarmingly and desperately quieted, almost like it died too. My father's eyes glazed over and he left the room, without sparing me a second glance.

The day after my mother's death was the day on the calendar of which he officially departed from my life. He did not bother to hide his feelings towards me: he didn't want me, but I guess he felt a tiniest ounce of remorse. The brute payed for the place I reside in and hired a caretaker with a face constantly decorated with fury (someone you will have the pleasure of meeting later on, I assure you). My father didn't care, and I wish I could say I felt the same way but but the knowledge that he did not love me gnawed at my heart every single day. I tried my best not to conceal the blow it had on me. It was the scar that ran the deepest.

"Holy shit." I cursed under my breath, I grabbed the phone, took a deep breath and lifted the cursed device to my ear. "Holy shit holy shit"

"Kendare." His voice was everything I expected and feared, Unbelievably cold, with traces of irritation, probably anger and hatred. Seemingly bored with the undeniable undertone of thunder. "Expect for me to come home in less than ten hours. Your behavior has been unsatisfactory, we need to talk and have a little reminder that I pay for your education and I will not see it go wasted."

That was it. A warning and the line dropped dead, along with my heart.

《There was a passage that I have removed because i was deeply aggravated by it. Our heroine gets comforted by her only friend but it didnt turn out the way i wanted it to so I'll be working on that.》


[So. I posted!!!!! Anyway I, again, apologize for the wait and maybe the confusion that laced this extremely weird chapter. This is like the PUBERTY of the book, awakward and confusing, I really hope you enjoyed it noneless.




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