∆Patrick's story 2∆

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Leaving home was a huge mistake, but it had to be done.

I spent the night in a cheep and sketchy motel. I left early in the mourning so I don't get thrown out by the land lord, since I could only afford one night. I'm now walking through the woods not having an exact destination of where I'm going. The bright mourning light reflected off of the leaves of the trees. With every step I took the leaves beneath my feet crumbled. I felt a pair of eye on me so I turned around to see no one there.

I saw an open field in the middle of the forest. When in the presence of this field I feel like I need to run away but I also felt like I need to be near it. The closer I got to the center the more warnings I got, even the voices told me not to tho near but I didn't listen. Suddenly I felt something hard hit the back of my head. Before I had the chance to turn around.

Everything went dark.

I jolted awake, hoping what ever happened was a dream nope. I was in an unfamiliar surrounding, cobwebs in every corner, stuffed animal corpses and an over all scary establishment. I also feel change in my appearance. I looked at myself and I wasn't wearing what I thought I was, a plain black t-shirt, my bright blue jeans and ordinary trucker hat was replaced with a crimson shirt, a black leather jacket and my sideburns, long hair and trucker hat were gone. Why am I here?

"Cause your special Patrick." Some mysterious deep voice said from behind me. I would normally be surprised, but after all the things that has happened I'm not that shocked.

"Who are you? And why am I special?"
After my question a man in a dark suit appeared from the shadows in front of me. He was taller than me had fairly dark hair and a very large forehead.

"I can hear you, you twat!" He snapped.
He can read my mind?
"Yeah Einstein." He retorted.
"Well if you can hear me why aren't you answering my questions?" I sassed

He sighed in defeat. "I'm Brendon, but in the demon world my names Boyd. Your here Patrick because..your a demon."

"No no no." I wanted to deny this..but I somehow knew this was true. "You're toying with me!"

"I'm afraid not."

"But still why am I here?"

"Because I need to return you to hell, but I can't since your not fully demon. Now I have to turn you into a demon since I have to take you."
I was taken back by his words. I have go to hell. "How do I turn into a demon."

"You'll see soon Martin."

He turned his back to me and read a book on a table mumbling chant beneath his breath. I looked at my tied hands and some how managed to slip my hands through the rope. I slowly walked towards the door I saw through the darkness. Once I touched the handle Brendon swiftly turned his attention to me. Before he can grab me I start running out the building located in the woods. I keep running and running away from him not taking one second to look back.

Alright even I admit this is a pretty sucky chapter but the next one gets better. And also this chapter is based off the video for L.A devotee :-)

Stay stumpy my llamas!

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