∆Patrick's story 3∆

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Brendon's POV:

It's really funny how he thinks he can run. Let's play a game of cat and mouse. I thought Patrick could be smarter than this. He's a fucking idiot. I shove the enchanted novel in my suit pocket and ran in his direction.
This is going to be a lot of fun.

Patrick's POV:

After I ran out of that building, I just kept running. I know Brendon will catch me eventually, but I'm still gonna try. I wonder if I have demon abilities, because I run faster then I used to and I have not ran out of energy yet. I ran to the center of the forest not knowing where else to go. When I saw a few figures I thought it would be Brendon and some kind of army, no. It was my family looking lost as ever, why are they here. Is it because of me? I ran to them with impeccable speed I thought I was incapable of doing.

"Guys what are you doing here?" They all looked at me. Some looks of sorrow from my mother and sister, a look of anger from my father, and pure disappointment from my brother. My mother started crying.
"The hell is wrong with you?!" My brother Kevin yelled.
"Your coming home with us, now" my mother said yanking my wrist along with her to follow, but didn't move.

"Why are you guys here?"

"Because we threw a search party and we came here because you come to this forest often." Kevin replied. I never noticed before, but I'm in the forest I usually use to escape and calm down. "Now you're coming home." My mother said pulling my arm that I had to pull away. "I c-can't." She turned to me like she saw a ghost. "And why not Patrick?" She said pleadingly but with manager.

"Because he has to come with me." I heard Brendon's deep voice behind me. I looked behind me and Brendon was slowly walking towards us, But mostly me.
"Your son is a demon, and he must come with me."

"Who the fuck are you and why do you need my son?" My father said.

"My name is Brendon. Your son doesn't have a choice whether to come with me." Is what Brendon said blankly.

"NOW!" He yelled. I didn't listen

"porter votre misère vintage."

Third POV:

Patrick's eyes grew yellow. He stared at Brendon. He followed him deeper In the forest. The family screamed for him to come back. He looked back once more. A tear fell than he turned back to the forest to follow.

Again another sad story XD but hope you llamas enjoy!

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