∆Patrick's story 4∆

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We entered the bright magical portal that brought us to hell. Most demons love this place, as for me I hate it. There is always the smell of smoke, you can hear the screams if souls and the land is not the prettiest. This land has the dark crimson colors, with cracks of the rock in the ground. Once we stepped out of the carriage I got escorted by two guards in heavy black armor. I looked at Brendon but he just nodded at me. Last time i was here I didn't get escorted, but I guess now is different. We walked into the castle but in the middle of the palace there were two big doors but the guards signaled for us to stay. We waited about five minutes until the doors swung open.

Once they opened it revealed Gerard waiting on his throne. He looked very irritated with his head resting in his palm staring at us, mostly Brendon with disgust. But once he turned his attention to me his face put on a devilish smirk.

"Hello gentleman!" He said getting off his throne and walking in a direction towards us.

"Patrick finally, WELCOME! Brendon seems he came a little..late?"

"I'm so sorry Gerard."

"Brendon listen closely." He said leaning into Brendon's face.
"When I give specific orders you follow those orders. I would usually punish the person in Patrick's place. But you seem to ignore my orders time and time AGAIN! I will have you see a special person. Helena.." He said the last part barely above a whisper but I can still hear him. Brendon's eyes filled with fear.
Gerard just smirked and snapped his pale fingers. Frank and another unfamiliar face held Brendon by his sides hovering him over the ground and carried him away. Brendon tried to struggle but they kept him steady.

Gerard turned to me with was once a smirk to a glare.
"So are you the nephew of Richard Stumph?" I cringed at my uncles name. Even saying his name gives me a bad thought.
"Well by the looks of it I can tell you don't like him?" He said in a bad but cheering tone. I slowly nodded.
"Well that's one things like about you Martin."
"Sir that's actually my middle name, it's Patrick." I said quietly, I didn't want to get on his bad side.
"Well you can't be a demon with a name like Patrick, Martin suites you better. And your pretty smart to not get on my bad side."

"Good job." He said tapping the side of my face lightly.
"Now it's time for you to join." He said skipping back to his throne seating him self in a horizontal position starring at the ceiling lowly laughing to him self.

"To join what?"

He faced me with bright red eyes and a smile.

"The black parade."

He somehow ran as fast as the speed of light having his red eyes stare into my blue ones. He then raised his hand and blew some sort of powder in my face. Once the substance hit my nostrils everything turned black.

Trust me I'm writing another chapter today. It's just the next part didn't feel like it belonged in this chapter. So yeah tell me if y'all liked it! :-)

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