Chapter 3-3

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"Nothing." I replied pleasantly. With that the conversation ended, for Prudence had supposedly ought to attend a certain class. She had affirmed that we would meet later, which had made me composed. It was certainly an extremely weird feeling, it was her gentle, curious yet calm voice; or some sort, but it was definitely incomprehensible. Through my thoughts, I had realised that such emotions could not be grasped, it was uncontrollable, some sort of emotion at least. This was often uncommon for a person like me, incapable of pondering articulately and upholding emotions; or perhaps this was the real me, I'd rather not say so anyways.

Granted, I continued to sit in the main hall, awaiting for practically nothing. With that, pursued thinking, for that was a flaw or a flair of mine; I wasn't sure. Behind the dusky furnitures that were uneven, plain and rather dismal was the gleam of light emitted from the refined glass windows for which was vast and seemingly luxurious, the design was flamboyant, it was as if it was somehow nothing but an imagination. The inventiveness I had admired, through the reflection of the glint of glass there was the radiant and remote sun for which shined an unfailing glimmer of light; pleasantly welcoming all visitors to its ageless and premature nature, for which had brought all people to unite. The scent was unbearable, it was  a faint and rich yet prickly sweet smell, somehow my inventiveness had brought me to a proximity of flowers, for which were heathers, roses that emitted such pleasant smell. The fresh and aromatic scent was tingly pleasant, it was as if I had never comprehended the beauty of nature; it was certainly extraordinary. Behind the scent and extravagant scenery laid the audible noises, for which were students that were hesitantly whispering, it was slow yet soft and lifting, for they were emitted from a distant area considering I had recently been left to be alone.

Then, there was this cold and familiar voice, it was a masculine voice that emitted hatred which was accompanied with a high pitched but modulated laughter, as it demonstrated a wicked and vile soul. With that two people came with a baneful stance, for which they were intending to approach me and supposedly converse. It was as expected, the two Becketts for which were attending Blaughweth. Their malignity through nothing but speech was supposedly a trait, they had never any intentions to kill or performing any sort of harmful conducts, as that would effect their precious reputation. "Oh look, its Philip, that little scaredy-cat." stated Ajax with a certain husky and authoritative voice, which was immensely unpleasant . That followed up with a tease, for which Orion pursued and often found liking with, it was an exemplary of how they two were, for they were nothing but people whom seemed prodigious, but somehow I was acknowledged of their secret. Small yet harmful it seems.

"We haven't seen you in awhile, you went into your little hole of yours?" Orion teased which was accompanied by amusement from both ends. With that, I had not attempted to resist, for there was certainly no reason to; all I had committed was to leave, which was certainly feasible; yet was prohibited as I approached the doorway. "You stop there!" shrieked Ajax, which aroused attention, for it was annoying and incoherent, the reason I had followed was due to the casting of a spell, for which he closed the door forbidding my exit. The usage of magic especially, lock and unlock magic could not but be condemned to be used for such conduct. Such casts cannot be undone with ease, thereby I had turned around and asked them several certainties. "What do you two seek?" I had remarked, yet my lair was to somehow deceive or confuse them, I wasn't entirely sure. "Just mere leisure, we have fun so." Orion remarked which followed by a nod by Ajax in approval.

I then proceeded to contemplate the circumstance, until soon, banging sounds that were loud and deliberate emitted. It came along a projection of several voices that were thick and penetrating, much like Professors. "Open up, or we shall unlock it ourselves!" the individuals claimed. I then continued to hastily think of a plan, for which my significant contemplation had acquired. According to the Book of Deft and Efficient Casting, one could grab hold of a certainty that upheld mana or fluid energy, for which would allow me to cast a generic teleportation spell that requires barely any effort. I was certainly not allowed to use my wand with such act, thereby I had still followed the rules, yet I was somehow adequately sly, I would say. I then approached a lamp which by visual detection, sustained fluid energy, it was an antique and peculiar lamp that had outlined the main hall as being remarkable. For that I had itemized that as pertaining mana, in that case I was right. I then approached it swiftly whilst commands emitted from the two individuals which seemed barely audible, yet somehow comprehensible. It were perhaps "Come back here!" or some sort, for which I certainly ignored. "Scoenta Canenis!" I proclaimed with sheer speed, then a jumbled wave of particles propelled me into the air and through the ceiling as if it were inexistent, then somehow, I had warped into a different vicinity, for which was unrecognisable. Perhaps the spell was incorrect, or perhaps I wasn't entirely sure. For I had remembered a certain book describing the spell, that it would require scarcely any effort, for which it desired no mana or any certain resources. It was supposed that perhaps casting magic had not cost mana but consumes it. For what the essence is capable of  would be at a cost, thereby casting  would make you weaker and less capable temporarily, for they absorb your fluid energy, otherwise known as mana. That was essentially the difference between Saih and human. 

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