Chapter 4-3

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We had seemingly proceeded to practice through the tiny yet ingenious room for which somehow had been rather comfortable I would say. It was definitely true that the room was rather antique and old but somehow the ornaments made it so much more unique and evocative. It had brought a sense of joy for which I could not comprehend, perhaps it was the deed of the talisman itself, but clearly I was not sure.

"I believe today's practice would be deemed most eventful, only for now though. Expect more to come," Professor Vaughn proclaimed explicitly whilst reaching for the exit. I had realised that my constant practices had somehow strengthen my capability in casting spells, and seemingly became more efficient in doing so. It was an undoubted fact that there was a reason for these invariable training sessions, for it was never so, in my previous times. It was indeed much different that I had expected, for which made me contemplate the significant conflicts that could possibly arise. Then, I had started to ponder back to the spells for which I had reminisced through my dream, perhaps I could use them? I wasn't entirely sure.

"Obsecutus Banim!" a gruff yet sensible voice declared with sheer vehemence. Soon an amber beam that had seemed to emit a howling sound of some sort went propelling into the air through the wand of that certain individual, the beam was certainly comprehensible, as somehow I was viewing it through an unseen perspective. It was an intricate cluster of amber sparks that was launched into the air, somehow transmitting through opaque objects, for which were a polished wooden plank that seemed deliberately flimsy, but it was certainly astonishing that a spell was capable of so much. The stream soon somehow divided into a duo of vermillion streams, briskly penetrating any obstacles in its way. It had seemed like a warning of some sort, for which I realised it was not of current circumstance, it was somehow a prediction, or a hindsight, as if an emblem; that usage of such prodigious spells would occur, spells unheard of indeed. What was I entirely capable of was not known, but being acknowledged of such predicaments was certainly unforeseen. I had to act prudently, or rather, my nature told me so.

I had soon regain consciousness after that certain dream of some sort, where there had seemed to be nothing but a display of a certain spell. Acting as if I had ought to perform it, which is what I did of course, considering my anxiousness. "Obsecutus Banim!" I startled, soon a muffled and deep sound emitted through my wand. As if a howl of some sort, which was what I recalled from the dream; but this was somehow, much more significant and rather sorrowful, somehow. Then an intertwining ray of massive grey stone-like particles seemed to initiate obstructing some sort of ancient figure, as if it had performed a summoning spell of some sort. Just then a cerulean flash of sparks came into my perception, intercepting the erection of a boulder-like individual, much like a golem really, for which was synthetic and massive. "Who taught you that spell?!" Professor Vaughn shrieked whilst approaching me with sheer vehemence. I could not but acknowledge that I was somehow back to reality, it was as if the casting of the spell made me intrigued and somehow was unconscious regarding how much damage it could have committed. It was scarcely because the massive and particularly high that there was no significant damage, but it was as if, I had been deceived.

"Answer me!" Professor Vaughn declared with a seemingly frantic tone. "I don't know, somehow my recent dreams were all regarding destruction and chaos, there were spells such like this used." I had replied with a rasping tone for which my confusion had aroused. "These are dark magic, I believe its time for you to know." Professor Vaughn stated whilst nodding as a sign of affirmation. "Come with me." He announced. Then I had realised what this predicament was about, the coming of the evil, the battle that would send all incapable or innocent into their demise. My journey was to stop it, my journey was to end it all and proclaim the perishing of the evil.That was, my journey.

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