No hard feelings

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After the last bell for the day shrilled throughout the entire halls and filled our classroom, I bolted up from my seat, quickly collecting my things so I could talk to Adrien as soon as possible.

If I couldn't be alone with him during the assignment to tell him how I feel, I would just have to do it here at school.

It was now or never.

Adrien had exited the classroom pretty quickly himself, and I had a hard time locating him through the crowds of students who now occupied the crammed halls. Finally spotting his blond head throughout the large crowd, I quickly rushed over to where I was finally able to see where he was standing; by the lockers.

However, I wasn't expecting him to be with Marinette when I approached him.

"Hi Chloe," Marinette was the first to greet me before Adrien could even notice my presence. It seemed to me that he didn't want to say anything anyway, since the look on his face looked as if he had run out of words.

I ignored Marinette's friendly greet; why did she always have to try to be so kind to everyone? "Adrien, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a bit? Alone?" I turned to my best childhood friend, completely ignoring Marinette's presence.

He seemed slightly surprised at my request since his eyes widened slightly, "Right now?" He questioned as if he was in some rush, "Can't it wait?"

"I have to tell you now." I stated, clearly set on doing this. I told myself it would be now or never, "It's really important."

"Well, I've got to get going......" He trailed, making eye contact with Marinette before looking back at me, " you'll have to make it pretty quick."

I was hoping that I would've been able to tell him how I felt alone, but it didn't seem like Marinette was going anywhere and it didn't seem like Adrien was planning to talk somewhere else, "I just wanted to tell you that......" I took in a deep breath, "ireallylikeyouandiwantustobetogetherandihopeyoureturnmyfeelings!" I hadn't realized how much I had rambled and how fast I had said that before I finished, staring up at Adrien with hopeful eyes and proud one's at my so called accomplishment.

I cleared my throat when I was met with two pairs of eyes as wide as sausers, "What I meant to say....." I decided to try again, pronouncing my words a bit slower, " that I really like you Adrien, and I want us to be together -as a couple I mean- and I hope you return my feelings."

There was a long pause of silence and Adrien made his glances between Marinette and I with wide eyes, as if he was unsure on what to say. Marinette's eyes were just as wide and they both stared at me with complete and utter shock, not making a sound.

I tilted my head in slight confusion and their silence, "Um Adrien? This is supposed to be the part where you say, 'Yes Chloe, I really really like you too, and I too also want us to be together forever. Will you be my girlfriend?' "  I then paused for the dramatic effect, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

The silence remained and that's when finally Marinette made the first move, patting Adrien on the back as if to wish him luck, she turned her back from us two before whispering, "I'll be outside."

One thing I guess I didn't know about Marinette was how insecure she was.

"What's going on?" I asked, once Marinette was sure out of earshot and outside the locker room.

Adrien brought his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it anxiously, he tried his best to avoid all eye contact, "Look'm really flattered....." He had started off, completely ignoring my previous question, but I didn't mind. I'd rather hear him admit he loves me too, "......but....." My worry eyes lifted back up to his after I heard that word, "......we can't be"

Well that wasn't the response I was expecting, "What?" I choked out, I didn't want to cry in front of him, "Why not?"

I wasn't sure if he was upset or not, but the way he was staring into my eyes seems as if he was genially sorry for what he had just admitted, "Chloe, you're a great friend okay? You're an incredible girl, and I know that one day you will find the perfect guy, but that guy isn't me Chloe. I don't have feelings for you in that way."

That was defiantly a stab into my heart and I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my cheeks, "W-what do you mean?"

He only shook his head, "Chloe, I should've told you a while ago, but I had only assumed you knew......"

"Knew what?" I choked out again, some anger was beginning to boil inside of me as I still stood in front of the boy who had just broke my heart.

He sighed, "Marinette and I are together Chloe; we have been for two months already. I had just assumed that you knew......I had no idea-"

The sobs only grew from there and I let everything spill out. Crying in front of someone, let alone Adrien, was so embarrassing, but I couldn't help it. All this time, I had loved Adrien so much, devoting everything I had into the love of my life......believing that he also had the same feelings for me. And now, I was discovering that he actually had no interest in me romantically and actually liked my arch nemesis, Marinette.

"Chloe, please don't cry," Adrien voice seemed just as heartbroken as I was. No matter what he tried to say to me now, I couldn't stop the tears from falling, "We can still be friends okay? That will never break apart. I still care about you-"

"Oh cut the sympathy Adrien!" I snapped at him, growling as I lifted my teary eyes to meet his, "A person who truly cared wouldn't put someone through so much misery!"

He furrowed his eyebrows lightly, as if he was annoyed with my reaction, "Well how was I supposed to know you had such feelings Chloe? I don't see how dating the girl I love is a harm?"

Love. That single word stabbed me once again. He loved her? Not only did he reject all my romantic feelings for him, but he now just admitted to the me, who had just had my heart broken, say he loves my enemy?

The girl I'm so jealous of.

"You were jealous of Marinette?" Mia asks, titling her head slightly at all the new information she was receiving. The woman's husband seemed just as interested as his daughter, leaning slightly into his wife.

The woman smiled, sighing as she continued to stroke her daughter's hair, "I was so jealous of Marinette because I envied everything she had. I wanted to be like her, where I had many friends who actually cared about me. I wanted the good reputation she had and a happy family that she also was blessed with. And in the end, she had taken the love of my life at the time; the only thing that I hadn't envied from her until that day."

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