Destiny is fate

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I had left the horrific scene with Adrien before he could apologize yet again. No matter how many times he tried to say sorry to me, he could never take back the words he had said to me.

That he loved Marinette.

All I wanted was his love; I loved Adrien with all my heart! Why couldn't he see that I was the one for him? That I could make him just as happy?

By the time I had grown my consciousness back to all my surroundings, the sun had disappeared from the sky and the moon had taken its place. What surprised me even more was the fact that my limo never came to pick me up for the day.

There was only one way for me to get home that night, since Adrien had left me to cry alone in the locker room. Taking my time to carefully step down the stairs that led up to the school, I started on my way down the sidewalk to the famous hotel I had bragged so much about.

It was a little bit of a walk, I had to admit, but I didn't really have another alternative. Besides, walking for about ten minutes, at night, all by myself, wasn't such a big deal......was it?

My heels clicked against the concrete as I walked in a normal pace. As long as I stayed to myself and didn't draw any attention to myself, I should be perfectly fine. Although no matter how many times I told myself that, I still couldn't help but worry.

Tears still streamed from my eyes, not matter how many times I would wipe them away. I just couldn't get his words out of my head; I just couldn't get rid of the heartbreak I was feeling.

Because I never thought this day would come.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grip my shoulder, and whoever it was sure gripped it tight. I yelped at the sudden touch, but the person quickly covered my mouth with their other hand before I could scream for help. The figure made no hesitation to suddenly pull me off my path on the sidewalk and drag me into the dark alley way.

When I was finally let go and seated on the ground in the center of complete darkness, I began to cry even louder. There was no way this could be happening to me; after everything I was already feeling, I now had to be kidnapped?

Then, a somewhat bright light blinded my eyes and I immediately squeezed them shut, forcing my remaining tears to fall down my cheeks. The light was quickly pulled away from my face and I had only assumed that the figure had realized they were blinding me.

What I wasn't expecting was for the mysterious person to speak my name, "Chloe?"

"Yes?" I replied in a whimper. There was point in trying to escape now. But the one thing that scared me even more was the fact that this person knew my name in the first place.

Soon the light filled more of the darkness that surrounded me and I was able to detect the figure in front of me. They kneeled down to my level, holding the light close to their face while they took a good look at me. My cold, blue, eyes met with the turquoise ones I had never laid eyes on before. Red locks fell from his black hoodie, bangs covering part of his magnificent eyes. I immediately gasped at who was now standing before me; all realization hit as hard as a rock, "Nathaniel?!"

"That's my name, don't wear it out." He chuckled, moving a bit closer to inspect me closer. "What happened to you Chloe? Are you crying?"

I immediately wiped my eyes; there was no way I was about to humiliate myself again, "I'm not crying! I don't cry! Besides, I should be asking you why you tried to kidnap me!"

"Kidnap?" The red head frazzled, "Of course not. I saved you. I saw some suspicious men that seemed to be following you so I pulled you away from 'that would've been bad' mess. You shouldn't be walking outside, by yourself, at night anyway."

"Well, you are." I retorted, crossing my arms. "Why are you out her all alone? Got a good enough excuse?"

He simply smirked, and it was the first time I had ever noticed Nathaniel, the shy artist of our class, have a cocky side, "Everyone has their little secrets Chloe. Some of us just choose to share them, while others actually keep them secrets."

Well, what could you respond to that? It was true wether I wanted to make an argument out of it or not. Nathaniel continued to stare at me with his knowing smirk, waiting for my next retort, but I didn't have one this time. He was right, even though I hated admitting when I was wrong.

"I'll walk you home." He insisted after the long pause in silence. I simply nodded, deciding that no words were needed nor arguing. Taking his black hoodie, he slipped it over his head and handed it to me, signaling with a soft smile for me to slip it on. I hadn't realized how chilly it was outside until I slipped it on and let its warmth consume me.

He pulled a beanie from his pocket and pulled it on his head, letting it cover most of his red locks and only letting his bangs show through. I couldn't resist looking up at him almost in complete awe and adoration. It was the first time I had ever noticed the little scar on his perfect jaw.

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