Dont ever judge a book by its cover

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"Mom! Mom!" A little girl with red locks raced across the hallway floor, her red bangs bouncing off of her forehead as she found her way to the living room, interrupting her parents' break from the day as they sat on the couch, "I had a bad dream! It was awful!"

The blond haired woman smiled softly at her daughter, motioning the young girl to come sit with them. The girl immediately complied, racing over to her mother's lap to be embraced by her love.

"What was the dream about my love?" The woman whispered softly, stroking her daughter's soft head.

The little girl looked up at both of her parents, "It was terrible! I dreamed that you and daddy didn't want to be in love anymore!"

Her mother immediately made eye contact with her father; ice blue eyes met turquoise in a heart beat and the worried expression on her father was clearly visible. The woman reached with her other arm to pat her husband's thigh, trying to ease all his worry, "That would never happen Mia." Her mother replied.

"But what if it did?" The little girl asked, unsure if her mother spoke the truth, "What if you and daddy weren't in love anymore? What if you weren't my mommy and daddy anymore?"

The father spoke no words, leaning over to kiss his daughter on the top of her head. Her mother simply smiled, holding her daughter close to her chest before she replied, "Mommy and daddy will never stop loving each other."

"But how are you for sure?" The little girl named Mia mumbled from her mother's shoulder, enjoying the warmth she was receiving.

The blond woman sighed, hugging her daughter closer to her chest before she replied, "How would you like to hear a story Mia?"

The little girl immediately lifted her head from her mother's shoulder, excited at the topic of hearing a story, "A story?! I love stories! Oh yes please!"

Her father simply chuckled while her mother quietly giggled, "This is the story of how your daddy and I realized that true love may not always be with the one your eyes choose."

Mia relaxed back into her mother's lap, fixing herself comfortably before she looked back up at her mother's eyes and waited for the beginning of the tale. Her mother simply sighed in content, stroking her daughter's beautiful locks before she spoke, "It all started back when I was in high school my love. I was young, prideful, and worst of all, very very mean......"


It was a normal day at school, and like any other homeroom class, it was hard not to miss the bluenette brat stumble into class late once again.

I had to say, it was quite humorous watching her embarass herself, she had the class laughing at her come a mile away. I, of course, couldn't help but join the laughing frenzy and point my perfectly manicured finger at her figure lying on the floor.

"Clumsy Mari-trash! Like always!"

Marinette was the type of girl whom I despised mostly because she caught Adrien's attention. She was cute, smart, bubbly, enjoyable, a great baker, and to top it all off, she was so sweet to everyone around her. Adrien was my everything; my best childhood friend and crush; yet it seemed to me that the more we grew older, Adrien distanced our friendship even further. We were meant to be together; how could he not see it? Today for sure though, today would be the day I would make that crystal clear to my beloved Adri~kins.

"Wait," the curious girl interrupted her mother's tale to raise an eyebrow in confusion, "You loved someone else other than daddy?"

Her mother slowly nodded; part of her past she regretted, "Yes my love."

The brunette brat who adores Marinette and wears the funky nerd glasses stared me down with a scowl as she helped the piece of trash up. Adrien also came to the girl's aid and I growled as he helped her up. I rolled my eyes in return at Alya's stare, turning my head away from her gaze to face Sabrina.

Sabrina wasn't even paying attention to me, for she was too busy eyeing the situation behind us with sad eyes. I immediately snapped my perfectly manicured fingers in front of her face to catch her attention, "What do you think you're staring at?"

Her eyes quickly snapped to mine in a heartbeat, " I was....just-"

I shook my head and brought my perfectly, manicured, finger up to her lips, shushing her, "Just shut up." I ordered, and I watched as she hung her head low in embarassment and sadness.

I turned my head towards the front of the classroom just as the teacher had finished writing something on the board and had asked us all to calm down. I couldn't help but sneak a glance behind me to see my beloved Adrien talking to that piece of trash still.

I couldn't help but growl once again.

"Okay, so I have an announcement to make." Ms. Bustier spoke after getting us all to shut our mouths, "In a few weeks, you all will have a project that will be due. It's a partner assignment."

The frown on my lips happily grew into a grin at the thought of having a partner assignment. Class projects were usually a bummer because we were forced to work in groups, but class assignments were the perfect chance for me to partner up with Adrien.

Which would give me another opportunity to tell him exactly how I feel.

"But, I will be choosing your partners." The teacher had added, destroying all the false hope I built up.

That's when I groaned. I knew that there had to be a catch. It was most likely that Adrien would not be my partner for this assignment and I would get someone else in this miserable class.

That's just how my luck worked out for me.

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