The red head's hoodie

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When Nathaniel had safely guided me back to the most famous hotel in Paris, I couldn't help but almost hesitate when I reached the double doors, ready to be hit with the warm air I was so used to.

"Why do you hesitate?" Nathaniel asked from behind, clearly confused as to why I hadn't entered inside yet.

I sighed momentarily, turning around to face him with a shrug; I came up with a reasonable excuse, "We have an assignment together remember? I'm going to need your number."

I hadn't meant to sound rude or snappy, but the way that reply had left my lips really bugged me. No matter how nice I tried to be, my demeanor always seemed to revolve around anger.

He didn't seem to notice I guess, because he simply smiled at the request, nodding as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket, "Sure thing. What's your number?"

Instead of verbally saying it, I simply stuck on my hand towards him, in attempt for him to hand me his phone, "I'll type it."

He complied, shrugging as he handed me his phone. I guess he didn't really mind how rude I was acting, or maybe he hadn't noticed it?

No, he must of.

Everyone noticed.

Once I finished adding myself in his contact list, I handed back his phone and sighed, "Well, I'm going to bed. Let's meet up tomorrow for the assignment yeah?"

He simply nodded, shooting me a smile before he replied, "Tomorrow it is."

And then he turned on his heel, waving as he walked back into the darkness that filled the streets of our beloved city. I stood, mesmerized in front of the building I called home as I watched the red head disappear from my vision.

For some reason, Nathaniel had me curious about him all of a sudden. Like I wanted to know everything about him.....learn his secrets he had mentioned earlier. At school, he was never like he acted now. All cocky and mysterious.....mischievous and kind. He was shy, always to himself, and barely talked to anyone. How could the Nathaniel that had just walked me home be the same Nathaniel who sat in the back of my class?

When he was for sure out of sight, I stepped back into the hotel, letting the double doors close behind me and welcome the warm air.

I was relaxed now, mostly because I was finally home. But another realization hit me before I even had a chance to react or call the red head's attention again.

I was still wearing his hoodie.

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